Befana in the cold, snow also in the hills – Chronicle


Florence, January 4, 2021 – Lots of snow in the mountains, after a month of heavy rains, especially in the hills. Sun in the city. The weather seems to have gone crazy. What about the weather for Befana? We talk about it with Giorgio Bartolini, Researcher of meteorological predictions expert in historical climatology. This winter is very unusual.

Rainy December, now it snows in the mountains but the sun is shining in the city and the temperatures are not harsh.

It is a consequence of the depression that affects the Ligurian Sea and Western Europe from the Gulf of Lion ”.

An exceptional situation?

Of exceptional, statistics in the hand there are two things: the levels of rain in December and the abundance of snow in the last days ”.

Let’s start with the snow.

“The snow gauge at Abetone reads 2.10 meters, but it is settled snow. At least three meters have fallen on the pass in recent days. Since 1969, only in 1980 and 81 there was a phenomenon of sorts.”

Precisely this year, in which skiing is currently prohibited. When there were skiers, however, how many artificial “cannon shots”. And the rain

“In December for the north center there was the highest rainfall in the last 50 years. For the provinces of Massa, Lucca and Livorno, historical levels of rainfall. In Massa in December they fell 360 mm, surpassing the 2017 record when there were 278. In the province of Lucca 327 millimeters, compared to 302 in December 1959, the year with the most intense rainfall. Even in Livorno the threshold that had resisted since 1959 has been exceeded: then 272 millimeters, last December it was 302 “.

In the hills there are landslides. Fruit of negligence?

“I wouldn’t say these are limited movements. Sometimes 5-10mm of rain is enough to cause them.”

It snows not only in the mountains, but also in the hills. There is not much cold in the city.

In December, the average of the lows was one and a half degrees higher than usual. Instead, the average of the highs is a bit more contained: +0.6 ”


“At high altitude there is snow but on the plain the air is not cold enough to cause snow. And also at high altitude, apart from Abetone and Garfagnana, the snow has not attacked everywhere. In Mugello it has rained and partly dissolved, In the Arezzo area, in Secchieta resisted, but more than 1000 meters fell in abundance ”.

Starting tomorrow the red zone returns to Befana and we will not be able to move. What time are you waiting for us?

“Let’s start from Tuesday the 5th. The temperature will drop and the altitude at which snowfall can occur will drop to 600 and 400 meters, not only in Garfagnana and the Apennines of Pistoia, but also in Valdibisenzio, the Pistoia hills, the Mugello , the buttresses of Arezzo, where you can now see snow above 600 meters. And it could also snow on the hills that do not face the sea: Chianti, for example. “

And for the Befana?

“On Wednesday temperatures will drop even more and it could snow even 300 meters or even 200 in the northern areas and bleach areas such as Vernio, Pratolino, near Fiesole: the net drop in temperatures is expected in Befana in the afternoon.”

And along the coast?

“Without snow, storms are expected on Wednesday north of Elba, due to libeccio”

Can the cold damage crops?

“When it comes out of season, yes. In winter, even the plants that suffer frosts such as olive trees, bear the drop in temperature, not the waves above 10 below zero, as in the famous 1985. Indeed, the cold is good for you. for plants, it eliminates parasites, provided it catches them not yet flowered, at the right time.

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