“I am convinced that everything is a hoax. And the more I think about the accusations that have been made, the less I understand where I went wrong. And, if I was wrong, what would be the seriousness of the facts that would justify the measure taken against me by the Holy Father. They treated me like the worst pedophile, ridiculed by the media around the world. At this point I don’t even know if the Vatican judiciary will call me to judge me: the pope has already condemned me, without me being able to defend myself. And the stigma will remain on me… ».
Who knew the former cardinal? Giovanni Angelo Becciu in the last hours he has found him tested, even shocked, but not yet resigned: to the point that would have decided to send a letter to Francesco, asking him to reconsider.
“I still hope it does. In many cases I have noticed his humility in understanding a mistakeHe would have anticipated it. “But if it doesn’t happen, I won’t fuel wars: I’ll just ask to be sent to trial. I cannot live under the cloak of a preventive sentence… ».
It is difficult to understand what it means for one of the most powerful, feared and perhaps hated men of the Bergoglian circle, to fall in twenty minutes from the dicastery that decides the causes of the saints to the condition of ex-cardinal, struck by the papal anathema.
From its “first” condition, according to those who frequent it, only the large apartment of the old Holy Office building remains, with red sofas decorated with golden designs, icons hanging on the walls, marble corridors and silent nuns: the only privilege that The pontiff left him after the fast and unappealable torpedo of three days ago. But today, these rooms probably no longer seem like a hundred meters from Casa Santa Marta, Francisco’s residence: they seem like tens, hundreds of kilometers from the papal court and the power that Monsignor Becciu has embodied for years. And now, despite the messages of solidarity he would receive, at least according to those who speak the truth, the future for him is mixed with uncertainties and nightmares.
The former cardinal knows that being singled out by the Pope as he was and deprived of “the rights and duties of a cardinal” means many other things. To those who have collected his confidences, he would have told them that he fears that “the mechanism of isolation will be activated: the one that makes you look like a leper” to keep a distance in the small and neurotic Vatican community. And, although he keeps repeating that it is “from the old school, for which the Pope uses, does not comment or criticize”, from the press conference organized on Friday it was understood that he is divided: divided between the obligation of head and the temptation to attack ; between the idea of being silent and the instinct of someone who, unexpectedly hits, explains the collapse by thinking of a “manipulated” Pope.
«Tell me that I was wrong, that I should not favor my brother and the cooperative. But from here to attribute a crime to me and treat me like that! »He repeats to the ecclesiastics who call him, astonished and disconcerted as much and more than he. “After all, I did distribute some money to Caritas, because as a substitute for the Secretary of State I had discretionary powers to do so. And the fact of having given them to a cooperative of my brother could have been a mistake, but it helped to favor a project of the diocese, to give work to sixty Sardinian families ».
From what he confided to the few people in contact with him yesterday, the papal bombing would have been decided without notifying even the Vatican secretary of state, the cardinal. Piero Parolin, who would have known on television. And therefore, his problem remains who, beyond the roles of the Italian judiciary, has concocted what, due to his mentality and knowledge of Vatican affairs, smells of reckoning.
Congratulations to the Pope came immediately from the cardinalGeorge Pell, former prefect of Economy and opponent of Becciu, have reopened old wounds. And yet, it is worth wondering if the treatment that Francesco’s powerful former “Minister of the Interior” now undergoes does not also apply to those who in the past suffered, at his hands, other characters. Think of the clash with Pell, called by Francesco to clean up the Vatican finances and ended up in the meat grinder of a pedophile trial in Australia. That process ended with absolute acquittal and disturbing doubts about a possible “hand” from his enemies in the Vatican to disturb him.
Or to Pell’s operating arm, supervisor Libero Milone, forced to resign to avoid arrest, again in 2017. When asked by a person, Becciu defended himself by specifying that he was always and only “an executor of the papal will.” In Milone, it would have been Francesco who told him to call and discharge him, believing that he had exaggerated in the exercise of his functions of control.
As for Pell, Becciu always remembers, according to his confidants, that when he went to Australia he wrote him a note to tell him that “despite our professional oppositions”, he repented and prayed that his innocence would be recognized.
You are now in the suspect’s condition. Indeed, of the «already condemned; and the Pope himself, of whom I was considered a faithful collaborator until 18:02 on September 24, twenty minutes later a criminal … », he repeated incredulously and shocked, despite being famous for his self-control. “I wonder what the real reason for all this is,” he torments himself without giving himself an answer. For days he would also have begun to express growing doubts about the way in which the Vatican justice is moving. From what he would have learned, it is no longer even known whether a trial will ever be possible against the business mediators suspected of the London Sloane Avenue scandal – a bad story that re-references the use of St. Peter’s Pence. . The investigation would be paralyzed.
Otherwise, she is still desperately waiting on Francis. “Otherwise,” he would have ventured. “I will find a parishioner. After all, I am still at least a priest.
September 27, 2020 (change September 27, 2020 | 07:05)