the Council of Ministers on the Recovery Plan was postponed until after the vote on the reform of Me, the European rescue fund. Before the postponement of the summit to date, makes the positivity COVID-19 of the Minister of the Interior Luciana Lamorgese, who had to decide the standard of governance, then the pre-council of ministers, held last night, which had not found the square alive for the no of Italy contrary to the control room wanted by the prime minister who, in fact, excludes the Renzians. In fact, according to the initial scheme of Conte, in the cabin must have been the same prime minister, the finance ministers Roberto Gualtieri (Pd) and economic development Stefano patuanelli (5 stars). An opposition reaffirmed, still today, by Matteo renzi in an interview with Rg2: “Breakage? I’m afraid so”.
For Italia Viva, write the Corriere della Sera, the rule would give too much power to Giuseppe Conte, who would also choose the 6 managers to lead the technostructure to build the National recovery and resilience plan. The prime minister thus understood that the air for the majority was not the best, also given the precarious situation regarding the vote in the Chamber and the Senate tomorrow on the Month and decided to wait before reaching an agreement with the majority on the Recovery Plan. . And given the heated political moment, he will probably hope to reconvene the Council of Ministers also on European council on Thursday and Friday, it will have to ratify the same reform of the rescue fund and resolve the issue of the veto of Poland and Hungary to the European budget, which runs the risk of putting a key in the works Next generation eu, the European plan of which 209 billion should reach Italy.