because the hypothesis takes full – Libero Quotidiano


“Out of this world questioning Giuseppe Conte“, dice Luigi di maio Today, Sunday, December 13. Words with which he takes sides in defense of the prime minister, never like today under attack from his own majority: let’s think about the maneuvers and threats of Matteo renzi And let’s also think about how, by escaping from the palaces of power, even the Democratic Party would have its pockets full, so much so as to tacitly support the campaign of the leader of Italia Viva against the tenant of Palazzo Chigi. And think, however, also of Di Maio. In fact, the Minister of Foreign Affairs has been in the center of the press background for days according to which, in a new government, he could be confirmed as minister. Or even go up to premiere: a rumor, the latter, circulated in the last hours and also confirmed by a background published by Republic.

If the government falls, I will do it anyway.  You're welcome?  An earthquake: Di Maio's slip (in public) reveals the plan (true)

“If the prime minister falls, is Di Maio there?” Republic. Title that does not need great explanations. But there is more. In fact, the newspaper reports what the grillino would have written in the talks with the ministers of M5, in which he would have harshly attacked his own Conte, attributing the mess in the knot of movements between municipalities in supervacations. A mess that has cost the government requires much criticism, criticism that Giggino attributes to the prime minister. In short, public defense and private attacks. Perhaps because Di Maio is flattered by these rumors about his future and his future position as prime minister. Indiscretions that, always according to the antecedents of Republic, are also confirmed and relaunched by Matteo renzi: “If Cote falls, there are many options and a majority for another government. Di Maio is there, for example …”. Whispered words a Nicola Zingaretti, Dario Franceschini and also to Roberto Fico. And they all listened carefully.

We are not interested in armchairs: yet another lie from Renzi?  Sensational indiscretion: Minister, Conte's surrender
