In the end Matteo Salvini makes the move that spits: he says yes “without conditions” to the Draghi government. The Captain’s move in the game wins the opening soul led by Giancarlo Giorgetti and Luca Zaia (the “losers” are Claudio Borghi and Alberto Bagnai, who, however, are making the best of a bad situation for now) but above all politically it serves to embarrass the Democratic Party and the Five Star Movement and dispel the feeling that the executive of the former ECB president was a masked Count-Ter.
Because Salvini said yes to the Draghi government
Salvini announces the white smoke for the Draghi government shortly before noon, after half an hour of conversation between the League delegation with the president in charge “with reservation” and also announces that he has not put “conditions” (and therefore not even to become a minister) and not even “vetoes” of the participation of other political forces (and therefore, in theory, not even of Giuseppe Conte’s participation in the government, although this is already beginning to fade). The election of the Captain discovers the League of the right, leaving a meadow for the discontented Giorgia Meloni and the Brothers of Italy and will put him in political difficulties if in the end Draghi must really be a government of all: “For me it is not easy: I could have by my side one of those who sent me to trial. It would be a challenge to be in the majority with someone who, while I was defending the borders of Europe, got on the boat or went to the prosecution to report me. But is that enough to say ‘no’? No. We have forced ourselves to look further. ”
But Salvini’s political calculation is very clear: now those who have already said yes (the Pd) or were about to do so (the M5) are in difficulties. Because it will also be up to them to explain why they are in the majority with what they pointed out as absolute evil, or to change their opinion by acting as irresponsible. The alternative for the Captain was to choose the path of abstention to trust or vote no, remaining out of the game of an executive who could then have succeeded in his government action, turning him once again into the figure of the irresponsible, as in Papeete . The price you have to pay is the Eurosceptic to the Euro-reformist position.
On the other hand, Antonio Polito explains today in Corriere della SeraBeing anti-European as hundreds of billions arrive from Europe would lead to the same isolation that the CP suffered in the 1950s, when it was anti-American when the Marshall Plan arrived. Furthermore, unlike Monti who came to cut back (based on a letter from the ECB signed by Trichet and Draghi himself …), the current prime minister in charge gets to spend. The political situation is different: it requires different options. The same one who asked him for that part of the productive class that in the North and especially in the Northeast votes for Lega but wants to participate in the next government.
Draghi government: what happens with the technical and political ministers and what are the names at stake
Salvini’s raid against the Draghi government
Leaving the conversation with Draghi, the leader of the League seems to make it clear that convergence can be found on the issues discussed. The magic word is “reboot”, repeatedly used as a meeting point between the wishes of the party and the vision of the prime minister in charge. Having broken the front of the center right, after having received positive signals from the prime minister in charge, Salvini makes the entire League available. We are there “with the 131 deputies, 63 senators, our governors, the thousands of mayors,” says the party leader, speaking with journalists at the end of the interview. “We – he adds – unlike others, we think that we cannot go forward by dint of no”, where the implicit reference is not only to Leu’s veto, but also to Meloni’s no, picked up yesterday afternoon by Draghi.
The emergence of Salvini in the Draghi government is a turnaround that surprises even his own, but above all it breaks the front of the Democratic Party. So much so that rumors circulated yesterday about the possibility that the Democratic Party was moving toward external support for the DEM. Voices fueled by the “concern of some parliamentarians”, as explained by sources from Palazzo Madama, precisely because of the opening that came from Matteo Salvini’s League. And that are later denied by an official note from the leadership led by Nicola Zingaretti: “The news about the guidelines taken on possible external support to the Government is totally unfounded. The position of the Democratic Party was voted unanimously by the national leadership and explained yesterday . to Professor Dragons. ”
But today a background on The impression explains that the party is in crisis. When the first ship arrives and Salvini asks to close the ports, what will Draghi do? And how will you represent the Democratic Party? For this reason, the party is seriously reflecting on the possibility of not launching prominent politicians in the next government:
He will choose a third way, as always: if the League enters, to avoid a shameful photographic opportunity of Zingaretti with Salvini (or of Gualtieri with Bagnai), it will only allow the so-called “zone technicians” to enter the government. That is, ministers close to the Democratic Party who come from institutions, preferably from the Bank of Italy, as it was in 2012 for Fabrizio Barca.
Therefore, the model “will be more that of the Monti government than that of the Ciampi government.” Precisely that government that led to the 2013 elections and the first explosion of the 5 Star Movement and populism. And precisely for that reason there is a phrase that the Captain said yesterday that should make us think: “It is clear that, if it is, it will be a brief and limited experiment of an exceptional nature.” In recent days, Salvini himself had publicly said that he could give the Draghi government the go-ahead in exchange for a certain date for the elections, something that none of the actors involved could grant him. Today he talks about time constraints while he knows very well that the white semester begins at the end of July and a new president of the Republic will be elected shortly after. And here for him there are two alternatives: the first is to try to overthrow the government just before the white semester to go quickly to the elections, with the risk of ending for the second time as with the Papeete crisis. The second is to have Draghi elected to the Quirinale and then go to the vote. To easily win the next election. But only in 2022. The alternative, however, is that we only go to vote at the end of the legislature. One year less is still one year less.