Because it is so difficult to decide whether Campania remains the Covid yellow zone or turns orange or red


There are 20 regions of Italy but only for one and only for one it has not been established whether its epidemiological situation with respect to the New Coronavirus infection is stationary or has worsened. It is campania. And this is a fact. Today, November 9, the meeting of the Istituto Superiore di Sanità and that of the CTS, the technical-scientific committee on Covid of the Ministry of Health, data in hand, has not been able to establish how to proceed. All postponed for 24 hours. What is the diagnosis, doctor? Severe or moderate? Chiara or pezzottata? Leave the photos of theammuin on the Lungomare di Napoli, those confuse the reasoning.

There are two levels to analyze, as always. One is scientific, the other is political. According to the data, Campania is already an orange zone (at least). Its contagion index (Rt) is not less than that of other regions today in the orange band (it implies greater restrictions on movement and closure of commercial activities). The cumulative incidence of Covid per 100,000 inhabitants (data as of November 3) indicate Campania in a severity range that everything is “moderate”.

Look at two things: the rate of infections in proportion to the number of tampons made and the deep crisis of the local and regional health system as a whole. Local Health Authorities can no longer do contact tracking and “chase” the possible infected. GPs are unable to satisfy their clients’ requests for help. In pharmacies it is difficult to find gaseous oxygen and some broad-spectrum antibiotics that many asymptomatic or paucisymptomatic people take home in one way or another to stay in bed and not access hospitals until they can.

Yes, hospitals: if we keep the excellence of Campania as a reference, that is Cotugno, we realize how dramatic the situation is: pre-triage is done in the car, less severe cases that would have previously been hospitalized are now sent home. Many infected with Covid-19 turn to newspapers to report now not the slowness in tampons or medical visits but the total absence of assistance and even delays in emergency intervention (118). If this is the yellow zone, it will be up to you to understand what the red zone is.

In the Campania region, the pessimism of Gramscian’s intelligence is opposed to blind optimism and we really don’t know if it is of the will. So let’s get to the political side of the matter: today Vincenzo De Luca is putting a lot of pressure on the department headed by Roberto Speranza not to activate new restrictions, at least not for now. When today some regions have been reclassified into the most critical range from Palazzo Santa Lucia, the ‘weaving’ began indicating that Campania is still firmly in the yellow zone. But we know that at the meeting tomorrow, November 10, the Ministry of Health and the Higher Institute of Health will deal exclusively with the case. of which. A difficult day is expected.

It looks like a Quattro Restaurants episode with Alessandro Borghese that can confirm or reverse the outcome., or just below it. The crux is the intensive care and ordinary hospitalization that Campania can offer to those who become ill. For the moment, the reporter’s privileged observatory, although partial and incomplete, reports the collapse of hospitals and intensive care. there is a lack of rescuers and nurses. An intensive care bed is still an empty bed and that is enough if there is no anesthetist-resuscitator around the patient and 3 nurses a day. Doctors do not sprout like mushrooms and in recent months nothing has been done to search for them except to offer temporary contracts of six months. Today a new call from ASL Napoli 1 Centro expires and some rescuers should (perhaps) respond to the appeal. But they will not be enough.

So, what are those numbers in the beds that in the bulletins of the crisis unit of the Region swell and deflate day by day? Is the data reliable? De Luca says yes and today he even provided a formulary to read the numbers well. Numbers collide with reality: i active beds are gone, many people are being sent home: this is what, as journalists, we hear from dozens of desperate Campania who put their name and their face on us. After all, try to go to the hospital. Too easy.

The cry of pain from these people reached, although with some difficulty, even the hard ear of the Minister of Health. I hope that at this time never, ever, a single political question has been raised about the management of Covid in Campania.. In this round, however, we will have to put our hand (today it seemed that the Naples Prosecutor’s Office did too, but the head of the office, Giovanni melillo, immediately denied any investigation).

Participated in the Rome meeting this afternoon for Campania Enrico Coscioni, advisor to governor Vincenzo De Luca for health, a delegation that the governor has reserved for himself. Coscioni has also recently become the powerful president ofNational Agency for Regional Health Services (Agenas). What weight does the doctor-manager Coscioni have in the political elections with respect to the chameleon, yellow, orange or red regions? “Tomorrow Campania data analysis, not yet received,” he tweeted. Undersecretary of Health Sandra Zampa. And what are the data that have not yet arrived?

We know that Campania is stipulating direct agreements with private clinics for hospital beds and intensive care. And here is the answer to the question: it is so difficult to establish whether today Campania is a yellow zone or a red (or orange) zone? About infections no, of course. But in beds now the emergency logic will lead to fluid, liquid, accordion situations. Not unlike the scenarios that we have already seen (in the relationship between public and private) in other emergency events in Campania. One above all: that of waste.
