“Because Conte is still there …” What is behind the air of crisis?


Covid-19, Dpcm, lockdown, Recovery Fund and Mes. These are the five words that in 2020 entered the vocabulary of the Conte government and Italian politics by right.

the coronavirus He arrives in Italy on January 30 when two Chinese tourists, on vacation in Rome, test positive. Only three days before the premiere Giuseppe Conte, guest of Lilly Gruber, had assured: “We are very ready” and added: “All prevention protocols have been activated. Italy at this moment is the country that has adopted precautionary measures at the forefront of the others, incisive measures.” It is just the beginning of a nightmare that will initially affect northern Italy, especially from February 21, with the first two outbreaks of Codogno and Vo ‘Euganeo. In a few weeks, exactly on March 9, Prime Minister Conte puts the whole of Italy in quarantine.“If we all follow the rules, we will get out of the emergency more quickly. The country needs the responsibility of 60 million Italians who make small and big sacrifices every day. Today we remain distant, to embrace more affectionately, to run faster tomorrow. We will all do it together “Conte will say in those days during a press conference in which he announced new restrictions. In recent months, the majority of Giallorossi, through the Dpcm, entrusts the prime minister with disproportionate power.

The government establishes a technical-scientific committee and a whole series of working groups to help it face the pandemic, firstly the one led by Domenico Arcuri, president of Invitalia, who becomes the extraordinary super commissioner for the emergency. Prime Minister Conte, on May 17, announced the end of emergency shutdown, dice: “We are faced with a calculated risk, the contagion curve may rise again and new closings will be possible.” While Brussels establishes the Recovery Fund to serve all countries affected by the prospect of pandemic changes with respect to austerity policies, the Italian government implements several budget overruns and tries to reactivate tourism with the vacation bonus. In the autumn it is also decided to reopen the schools and the Italians vote for the Regionals and for the referendum on the reduction of parliamentarians. After a few weeks comes the second wave of infections and the inevitable setback. Color Regions are born that certify the failure of the Italian model. Conte promises: We are closing now so as not to close everything at Christmas ”. On December 3, the prime minister launched a Dpcm that, except for the prohibition to move between regions and municipalities, seems to give Italians a break, but the dream of freedom is shattered in a few weeks. While Parliament votes on the reform of the Me and Matteo Renzi attacks Conte head-on, scientists, worried about the arrival of a third wave, push for a tighter grip on vacation. The prime minister is therefore forced to break another promise by imposing a national blockade in which red days alternate with orange ones.

“It is difficult to define 2020 referring to politics as its litmus test. The truth, unfortunately, is that it was an annus horribilis for all humanity and politics had to find new paths, new schemes, to give the best possible answers to the country. Answers that I consider excellent and very well managed ”, explains a ilGiornale.it the Undersecretary of Foreign Relations Manlio Di Stefano who ascends to the government to which he belongs with an 8 and adds: “I believe that the majority parties have understood, more or less, that the solidity of the figure of President Conte himself has allowed us to obtain great results in Europe such as 209 billion Recovery Fund, funds that must now be spent in the best possible way to restart. “It was a challenging and difficult year,” he confirms Emanuele Fiano who, then, underlines: “The government has done everything possible to face a devastating exceptionality. Obviously, as the Prime Minister admitted, there were limits as in governments around the world ”. The words of the grillino Pine Goats They are on the same page: “All the governments of the world, in the year of Covid, were seen as the center of the problems. In reality, almost two hundred states in the world are each the periphery of a global problem, which has the economic effects of a world war ”. And again: “The Conte II government, faced with an extreme scenario, did exceptional things, whether they wanted to or not. It has withstood the onslaught of a vertiginous transformation of the social and economic balance, but the transformation, in turn, will affect the future of the government. Even the national coordinator of Italia Viva, Ettore Rosato, which in recent days hinted that Conte’s experience at Palazzo Chigi has come to an end for Renzianos, defended the government’s work in managing the pandemic: “We were never the ones who said we are the best in the world or the models that everyone is inspired by. Unfortunately, the dramatic number of deaths speaks volumes despite closed schools and many limitations. We trust that the mistakes already seen will not be repeated with vaccines. And we remember that the failures, or the merits They are not only from the government but also from the regions, which have primary competence over health ”.

as well Gianfranco Pasquino, Emeritus Professor of Political Science at the University of Bologna, promotes the work of Prime Minister Conte with great success: “I would give him a 9 for conduct because he has always known how to remain calm before very undisciplined ministers and heads of delegation. I would give him 8 for his relations with Europe because he has made a lot of money and continues to have esteem and prestige at the European level. However, I would give it 7 less in handling the pandemic because it has influenced a lot. I think he understood the seriousness of the situation, but its fluctuations have created consequences that are not always positive. ” And the pollster is also of the same opinion Nicola Piepoli who gives a severe judgment on the work of Conte-bis: “You cannot promote or reject a greeting. I tried to defend him, but I couldn’t ”. Even more difficult is the judgment offered by the philosopher Paolo becchi: “If the figures they say are true, we are looking at the country that, in proportion, has more deaths in the world. It seems quite clear to me that this government has shown an inability to solve the problems ”. Conte’s success? “It was to have imposed a health dictatorship, thanks also to its constant television presence and the continuous Dpcm”, adds Becchi, strongly convinced that the premier “used the pandemic in an instrumental way and, therefore, achieved a remarkable consensus in March . “. The Conte-bis “continues only by inertia, because we don’t know how to replace it,” concludes the Genoese philosopher.
