Tensions at the Celio a military hospital Rome. Three Nigerians, two women and a man, hospitalized for a few days in the hospital because they are positive for COVID-19, they have unleashed the whole world in the structure, first giving outrage and then attacking, even biting, the agents and health workers. The three foreigners, according to Adnkronos accounts, demanded to be discharged: they reacted violently to the refusal of the doctors, unleashing terror in the hospital for a good half hour.
Covid, “Quarantine over, let us out”, migrants in rebellion at the Rocca di Papa reception center
Overturned desks, furniture and beds. Foreigners have turned the entire department upside down. While trying to escape the room, the three found themselves in front of medical personnel with anti-contagion protections and managed to tear off the anti-Covid suit of a young officer. that you will now be forced to quarantine. Sources inside the hospital reported that during the war the foreigners also tried to protect themselves for a few minutes to escape with a 16-year-old Bengali boy hospitalized in the facility and close to discharge due to being negative for the virus. A detail that the police do not confirm at the moment. Several people, including military and medical personnel, were not seriously injured in the confusion. Then the situation, also thanks to the intervention of the police, was back under control.
The complaints
All three were reported by the carabinieri for private violence, resistance and violence to a public official and insult to a public official. The events took place last night. The carabinieri from the Piazza Dante Company and colleagues from the Celio Military Police Unit intervened at the scene and, after blocking them, secured the other guests in the structure. The three Nigerians had been guests of the Celio since August 17: they came from the Rocca di Papa reception center, in the Castelli. A military doctor reported minor injuries, while all those who came into contact with the three foreigners were subjected to a swab, which was negative: while they wait to repeat the exam, they will stay at home.
The note of the Defense Staff
The military personnel of the Celio and the Carabinieri of the Military Police “immediately restored order by arresting the three Nigerian migrants hospitalized for positive Covid 19 who tried to escape from the hospital.” This was stated by the Defense General Staff, underlining that “in the attempt to escape and the breach of the rules governing quarantine and the respective health surveillance, the three migrants were immediately detained while all the personnel involved were prepared for the measures for health security provided for by the protocol defined as part of the measures to combat Covid19 “. The Operational Command of the Joint Forces of the Defense General Staff,” informed of what happened, immediately coordinated with the Ministry of the Interior and the Prefecture of Rome to restore order. The situation is now under control with the three Nigerian immigrants under close surveillance. “
On Wednesday there were tensions in the reception center Better World at Rocca di Papa, at the gates of the capital. On that occasion the police had intervened to contain a riot: some guests of the structure had protested in front of the door to request the result of the third swab after having tested negative in the first two.
The first to comment on the facts is the leader of the League Matteo salvini: «While the Ministry of the Interior gives the numbers to deny the immigration emergency, in the real world three Covid-positive Nigerians have caused panic in the Celio military hospital in Rome: bites and blows to military and medical personnel. Italians pay for Conte and Lamorgese’s disability. This government endangers Italy. The leader of Fdi Giorgia Meloni, writes on Facebook: “Scandalous: Three Covid-positive Nigerian immigrants admitted to Celio’s military hospital have wreaked havoc, tried to escape and have also been attacked with military and medical bites. This government of irresponsible insane endangers the safety and health of Italians and he wants to transform Italy into the refugee camp of Europe. Shame. “ Last updated: 20:56