Captured bear M49, the protagonist of two escapes in a year from the Casteller compound, the last at the end of July. This was announced by the Trentino Forest Corps, indicating that the operation was completed in the Lagorai area, where the animal was in the last period, by means of a tube trap already used in the past for the same specimen. In the past two weeks, all trace of the animal had been lost: the radio collar had been found in the woods in August. Since his escape from the Casteller compound, he had always been monitored through the collar, equipped with a geolocation system.
The bear had been captured in May after a first escape and taken back to Casteller, south of Trento, where the same bear was imprisoned in July 2019 and from where it had immediately escaped. His escape was applauded by animal rights activists who saw it as a redemption of nature, a symbol of freedom. Papillon renamed by the Minister of the Environment Sergio Costa, who never endorsed the arrest warrant issued by the province of Trento after his escape, the bear became someone.
September 7, 2020 (change September 7, 2020 | 13:11)