(ANSA) – ORISTANO, SEPTEMBER 11 – “They gave me no other option: they forced me to go on a total hunger strike. I am kidnapped: the kidnapping began on January 12, 2019 in Bolivia, it continues today on the island of Sardinia. in addition to being a political prisoner, he is also a prisoner of a dirty war, a war between the state and the armed struggle and not of the period of great social contradictions that upset Italy from the late 1960s to the early 1980s. ”These are the statements that the former terrorist Cesare Battisti entrusted his lawyer Gianfranco Sollai, who today visited him in the Oristano de Massama prison, where he has been on a hunger strike for 4 days against an isolation that he considers “illegitimate.”
“1968, in Italy, lasted 15 years. The war of the institutions against me is expressed with the secretion of documents, with forced and illegitimate isolation and with a retroactive classification of 41 years – he added – This is revenge of the State, revenge against me after more than 40 years of social contradictions, a result of the State itself and which have also generated the phenomenon of armed struggle that has seen, as is known, more than a million people involved, 60 thousand arrests and 5,800 convictions , as the President of the Republic Cossiga reported at the time, and even today – he concludes – the State wants to sacrifice me for all this in the name of a justice that does not exist. ”(TAKE CARE OF).