Bassetti now nails Conte All doubts about the “red zones”


Underline and make public the criteria used to establish the color attribution of the different regions in this new confinement: the director of the Infectious Diseases Clinic of the San Martino Hospital in Genoa asks the government for greater clarity Matteo bassetti.

A situation of uncertainty and ignorance of the decisions made by the Executive that continues to be discussed animatedly, especially in the regional territories marked with “red” and “orange”, or those areas considered respectively for “high risk” ed a “medium-high risk”.“The criteria established by the Ministry of Health for the red, yellow and orange zones must be made public”Bassetti asks during a speech about AdnKronos Health. “If you have chosen the path to assess the RT of individual Regions, then if you are in the red zone today, can you change the ‘color’ as soon as the RT goes down?”, still asks the expert, who is part of the Covid-19 working group of the Liguria region. “I wonder, are they gods criteria dynamic? Or were the elections based on the data that the Ministry of Health already had in relation to October 19 and 25? Someone explain us “Bassetti concludes.

The same requests were also made by the group leaders in the Chamber of the League, Fratelli d’Italia, Forza Italia and Noi conItalia, who claim to know “the criteria that determined the options in risk areas in Italy”, urging “urgently” the intervention of Minister Roberto Speranza and Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte. The crux continues to be the different chromatic attribution to the regions that register the same numbers in this new declared health emergency.

These are hours of tension, therefore, for the regions affected by this new Dpcm, which actually closes, although not explicitly, some areas of the trunk. “Communicating to Lombards and Lombards, at dinner time, that our region is relegated to the red band without a valid and credible reason is not only serious, but unacceptable”, sank the governor Attilio fontana, as reported by Milan Today. “What makes this government decision even more incomprehensible is the data through which it is adopted: information ten days old that does not take into account the current epidemiological situation”continued the president. “The requests made by the Lombardy Region, yesterday and today, therefore, have not even been taken into account. A slap in the face to Lombardy and all the Lombards. A way of behaving that my people do not deserve”.

Not only Lombardy shoots zero on the Giallorossi executive: the thrusts also come from the other “red regions”. Calabria, in fact, is ready to challenge the new ordinance: “This region does not deserve isolation that runs the risk of being fatal,” commented the acting president Nino Spirli, who explained to “Il Messaggero” that the repeated contacts he had with members of the Executive and with Arcuri were unsuccessful. Then one would emerge “It will be, obviously preconceived, to close a region whose epidemiological data, in fact, do not justify any blockade, especially when compared with those of our companions in misfortune: Lombardy, Piedmont and Val d’Aosta”.

The fact that Campania, other things being equal, ended up in the yellow band, even if it is not explicitly mentioned, remains at the bottom of the statements of the governor of Piedmont. Alberto Cirio. “I confess that I have not slept. I have spent hours rereading the data, region by region, trying to understand how and why the government has decided to use such different measures for very similar situations.”, declared in Facebook the president, who is not explained “why the clear improvement of the Piedmont Route has not been taken into account” me “because a different criterion was used for regions with serious situations.” “I want the logic of these elections to be explained to me”asks the governor.
