In anticipation of the reopening of bars and restaurants, the Coordination Committee of health and safety at work of the Autonomous Province of Trento has developed and shared in the last hours two protocols related to economic sectors of extreme importance and topicality for the sectors of retail and wholesale trade and restaurants and bars.
Occupational safety protocols facilitate the possibility of reopening, as they provide in detail what companies must do to better manage risks and protect the health of workers.
In drafting the protocols, the documents that the Interregional Prevention Committee is distributing among those working in the Regions and autonomous Provinces have been taken into account, in anticipation of sending to INAIL the canvas that the same Institute will use so that the Guidelines are broadcast nationwide
Two protocols, those of the forests and the areas to carry, were also revised to be compatible with the provisions of the ordinances of the President of the Province of May 2 and 6. In particular, with reference to the special quarantine to be carried out directly in forest yards for foreign workers entering Italy for activities related to the Vaia storm; With regard to takeaway restaurants, the review provides for the possibility of accessing the business even without reservation, for example for street food or fast food products, as well as the possibility of eating outdoors. Think, for example, of fast food and drinks, coffee, ice cream, drinks, cakes.
The protocols were signed yesterday by the Chairman of the Committee, Councilor Stefania Segnana, and will be published on the Province’s website, so that interested workers and companies can use them to manage Covid-19 risk appropriately in forecast and preparation of the next openings.
The restoration protocol, in addition to the known provisions of the general protocol, focuses on the training of operators, on the disinfection of environments and surfaces in greater contact, on frequent hand washing, on the necessary reorganization of spaces and work. For example, in dining rooms, restaurants and bars, tables should be placed so that the distance between the back of one chair and the back of the other chair is greater than 1 m and that customers facing each other are separated from each other. minus 1 meter, also laterally. It will also be appropriate to use stepped seats. No need to distance at the same table if customers live together. When organizing the business, the owner must define the maximum capacity of the clients in the spaces. To optimize the activity itself, it will be possible to organize more shifts with more services. For now, without specifying the maximum number of people per surface, it was considered in fact allowing owners to assess capacity according to the actual shape of the facilities and furniture, guaranteeing the requirements for space.
As for trade, always in addition to the general issues now well known, aspects related to the ventilation of the rooms are highlighted, rigorously deactivating the recirculation functions, guaranteeing the exchange of natural air, signaling the spaces and defining the distance also to through strips on the ground, signs or barriers, with the clarification that the distance must be guaranteed not only between customers, but also between the customer and the employees. In cases where this is not possible, in addition to masks and gloves, you should also wear glasses or face shields, or spacer walls such as Plexiglas. We also remember the provision of the Prime Minister’s Decree of last April 26, which limits the presence of one client and a maximum of two workers for small companies of up to 40 square meters.
The protocols explain the importance of hygiene, with practical and concrete information on how to use alcohol or bleach properly diluted with water for disinfection operations against Covid-19 and how to properly handle waste. The committee’s work will continue next week: protocols for accommodation and tourism, personal services, professional studies, and a major overhaul of the general protocol are on the calendar. The need for more information on the issue of privacy in communications on the health of workers and on the classification of risk according to different types of activities was also considered, with a specific annex for services and offices.