Fortunately, we knew for some time that we would spend isolation that too Easter and therefore the few adjustments that emerged yesterday are limited to retouching an already consolidated scenario. In summary, as of Monday three Regions go to “rosso“(Tuscany, Aosta Valley me Calabria) and as of Tuesday Lazio back “Orange”.
Apart from the Italian tortuosity of the ministerial ordinances of entry and exit in the gangs, in essence the only significant change that will affect the lives of the families is that as of Tuesday, April 7, also in the red zone. nature, the primary and the middle School. For Lazio these openings of schools They will also be valid for Tuesday 30 and Wednesday 31 March. Little consolation because -as has been known for weeks- on April 3, 4 and 5 and therefore also Easter me Easter monday, all of Italy will be the red zone.
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The rules
But what does it mean to live in red and orange? These are the most important rules.
Transfers and visits
In theory, in the red zone you are at home (except for work and health) and in the orange zone you cannot move from your municipality. Basically, there is a crack in the wall of limitations. On April 3, 4 and 5, therefore only at Easter, it will be allowed, once a day, to visit family or friends in the same Region. You can travel as a couple with children under 14 years of age and with non-self-sufficient people with whom you live. Apart from the three days of Easter, gatherings with friends are prohibited in the red regions but allowed once a day in the orange regions, where those who live in small towns can travel within a 30-kilometer radius from their home. Meetings are forbidden, so on Easter Monday it is better to give up the classic outing with friends.
They are allowed but respecting the distance. Forbidden songs. The bishops have repeatedly advised the faithful to go only to the nearest church.
Second box
In accordance with national regulations, both in the red zone and in the orange zone you can only use the vacation home that is owned or rented with a contract dated before January 14. You can only go there with your family, without friends or relatives.
In reality, however, many Regions have strict restrictions.
In CampaniaFor example, it is forbidden to use them (except in emergency cases) not only for those who live outside the Region, but also for those who reside in Campania. Therefore, the lucky ones who have a second home in Capri will not be able to enjoy it this Easter.
The same goes for the Tuscany. With an ordinance valid until April 11, the president of the Region, Eugenio Giani, has prohibited anyone from accessing the second residence except for serious reasons. Those venturing to their second home in Tuscany will need to self-certify with plausible reasons. The fines start at 400 euros.
Arriving at a holiday home in Sardinia (always be careful and only with your family) will be a means of torture because in addition to self-certification it will be necessary to present a vaccination certificate or a certificate of negativity upon landing on the island. to a test or you will have to undergo a mandatory test at the port or airport. The regional ordinance establishes that before boarding ships and planes, you must register in the “Sardegna Sicura” application and you must have the documentation that certifies “the required requirements”. Boarding prohibited for those who are not in good condition. Those arriving in Sicily, on the other hand, must have taken a swab 48 hours before departure. If this is not possible, you can disembark but remain in quarantine by giving your address to the ASL or the Region. And who has a house in the beautiful Alps? Here too everything is difficult: either you cannot leave your region or, as Aosta Valley and South Tyrol have predicted, non-residents simply cannot access their second home.
Bars and restaurants
Difficult catering on both bands. Bars and restaurants can serve take out. Restaurants until 10 pm, bars until 6 pm The hotel restaurants cater to guests.
Barber Shop
Personal services remain closed in the red band regions.
Stores and shopping centers
In high-risk areas, shopping centers and clothing and footwear stores are not open. In the orange regions, shopping centers are closed on weekends and holidays. Many commercial activities remain open in all areas: supermarkets, pharmacies, newsstands, hardware stores, computer stores, mechanics, baby stores.
You can always practice respecting the distance. In the red zones it is advisable not to leave the house.