Barletta: Three new cases of Coronavirus in Bat: two are symptomatic


The president of the Puglia Region, based on information from the director of the Health Promotion department, Vito Montanaro, reports that today, Sunday, September 20, 2020, in Puglia, 2,777 tests have been registered for infection by coronavirus Covid-19. 50 positive cases:

  • 29 in the province of Bari,
  • 3 in BAT province,
  • 2 in the province of Brindisi,
  • 8 in the province of Foggia,
  • 6 in the province of Lecce,
  • 2 in the province of Taranto.

1 death was recorded in the province of Taranto.
Since the beginning of the emergency, 375,065 tests have been carried out.
4,287 they are cured patients.
2,128 are currently positive cases.

The total number of positive Covid cases in Puglia is 6,994, divided as follows:

  • 2,709 in the province of Bari;
  • 566 in the province of Bat;
  • 758 in the province of Brindisi;
  • 1,657 in the province of Foggia;
  • 755 in the province of Lecce;
  • 495 in the province of Taranto;
  • 53 attributed to residents outside the region;
  • 1 province of unknown residence.

The APL prevention departments have activated all the procedures for the acquisition of anamnestic and epidemiological information, with the aim of tracing close contacts. The epidemiological bulletin of the Puglia region 20.9.2020 is available at the link:

Declaration of Dg Asl Bari, Antonio Sanguedolce: “There are a total of 29 positive cases detected today by the Prevention Department. Positivity to the Sars-Cov 2 virus specifically affects 23 close contacts linked to isolated cases and subjected to epidemiological surveillance and another 6 cases for which we are proceeding with the follow-up “.
Declaration of Dg Asl Bt, Alessandro Delle Donne: “3 cases today in the province of Bat. In one case it is a close contact of a positive case registered in recent days while the other two cases are symptomatic”.
Declaration of Dg Asl Br, Giuseppe Pasqualone; “The two positives registered today in the province of Brindisi are linked to already verified cases and have been identified through contact tracing.”
Declaration of the Dg of Asl Foggia, Vito Piazzolla: “In the province of Foggia, to date a total of 8 new positivities have been registered. These are: 4 contacts of already known cases; 2 symptomatic people; 2 people identified during the pre-hospital screening activity ”. Regarding the RSSA of Foggia, the Dg Piazzolla specifies that: “The ASL Foggia is dedicated to the continuous monitoring of the criticality created within the RSSA where yesterday another 8 positivities were registered in 10 swabs made in close contacts of the first 2 positive cases.
Yesterday afternoon, the remaining 43 guests and 43 operators, including permanent staff, volunteers and civil protection operators, were swabbed. We are currently awaiting the results.
3 of the positive hosts required hospitalization. The Prevention Department was appointed immediately and carried out an inspection to verify compliance with the safety standards adopted in the structure. The results of this inspection will be communicated to the general management on Monday.
In the meantime, we have initiated a safety procedure in order to isolate, if necessary, a complete structure plan for the management of asymptomatic or paucisymptomatic positive cases through the Special Continuity of Care Units (USCA) and the team dedicated from MAR. “.
Declaration of Dg Asl Lecce, Rodolfo Rollo: “There are 6 cases registered today by ASL Lecce: 4 are citizens temporarily present in the province and in isolation, one is a close contact of already known cases, one is a resident who has returned from Sardinia.”
Declaration Dg Asl Taranto, Stefano rossi: “The 2 cases of Covid detected in the province of Taranto refer to close contacts of positive cases already known and under surveillance.”
