Conte also announced that “we will soon launch a new decree to support the capitalization difficulties of large companies, including with bonds.” And then: “In the next few hours I will sign the decree to identify the works covered by the simplification decree, appointing commissioners in charge of speeding up time.”
Speaking of the opportunities especially for the South that the Recovery Fund offers, the prime minister reiterated: “I said if we lose this challenge we should all go home, it would be a failure of the whole nation. We cannot afford, we will not allow delays. win this game together. ” Then he added: “The plan we are working on is structured in 6 visions: digitization, ecological transition, connecting the country through infrastructure, cohesion, social inclusion and health.” And finally: “I am a man from the South, many times in the past I have heard enormous resources, billions, without being translated into concrete projects. I can guarantee that the projects of our plan will not remain in titles. We make a solemn commitment up front to the entire national community: we will carry out the projects on time, with the established funding ”.
The souvenir photo of the authorities before the inauguration ceremony
DECARO – “The Fiera del Levante is the symbol of our stubbornness, of our tenacity, of our courage. And courage cannot close, not even today. Indeed, especially today. Let’s reopen the Fair because in this city, in this region already We have shown that we can adapt, but we cannot give up. ” This is what the mayor of Bari, Antonio Decaro, said when he inaugurated the opening ceremony of the 84th edition of the Fiera del Levante.
In his speech, Decaro recalled “the images of a country that was afraid of having to write the last word. A country that is still here”, with “the courage of someone who is trying to get up.” He recalled the role of the mayors of Italy in the months of the confinement, “sometimes exaggerated. But believe me – he said – the only thing we did was safeguard the health of our citizens. Each one of us, with his means, has tried everything the possible ways to protect their communities, convince them that they are facing a great and unknown danger and face it in the most correct way ”.
The speech of the mayor of Bari and president of Anci, Antonio Decaro
Decaro also recalled the work of the mayors in the months of the closure and thanked the President of the Republic, Sergio Mattarella, for taking a position after the words of British Prime Minister Boris Johnson. And he recalled that “In recent weeks all Italian mayors have worked on a proposal for the use of those resources that, thanks to their tenacity in Europe, we have managed to allocate to our country. It’s called ‘Città Italià and there are 10 programmatic points “.
EMILIANO – From the president of the Puglia Region, Michele Emiliano, a request has come for equal opportunities between citizens of the North and the South. “An issue – he said – that does not necessarily contrast with the expectations of the Northern regions I can even imagine talking about equal opportunities between Italian citizens if the rights related to education, training, health, social assistance, mobility and transport are not recognized equally to anyone who is lucky enough to be a citizen of the How is it possible to identify what are the actions related to the full realization of each of the civil and social rights listed above if the minimum levels and the related standard costs are not quickly identified? Today – he said addressing the prime minister – the resources that his government managed to obtain after a long and brave tug of war with other European countries, opening up a new scene river that re nde, it is really possible to achieve a goal of fairness and citizenship. “

Governor Michele Emiliano’s intervention
Even in the intervention of the central governor, the emergency of the Covid: “Now – he said – we are involved in a new test: facing autumn and winter. A test that, as this pandemic has accustomed us, has unknowns.” And then he added: “Our children and young people – he said – who have taken up the lessons teach us that respecting the rules of prevention is possible and not so complicated. Let me warmly thank the school and university world. , to managers, teachers, staff, parents, pupils, and students. I am roaming the schools of Puglia these days and it is moving to see how much we take care of each other, wearing the mask correctly, keeping distance, sanitizing our hands. These simple gestures make a difference. Let’s take an example from them. “

Emiliano gives Conte the USB key with the videos dedicated to tourism in Puglia
Before the start of the ceremony, outside, a little after hours: Emiliano gave Conte a USB memory with the twelve episodes of “Vacanze Pugliesi”, the television story of Toti & Tata, Emilio Solfrizzi and Antonio Stornaiolo, as part of the bell. Promotion of Puglia “Restart from Wonder”. In all the episodes Toti and Tata mention Volturara Appula, the hometown of Prime Minister Conte, in their sketch.
The president of the Fiera Pasquale Casillo and the president of the Nuova Fiera del Levante, Alessandro Ambrosi, did the honors.