Nicolò Barella will have to skip the decisive Champions League match against Shakhtar by 99%. After Vidal, even blue is close to losing
Nicolò Barella will have to skip the decisive Champions League match against Shakhtar by 99%. After Vidal, even blue is close to losing. This is what Sky Sport reports, which updates on the situation of the midfielder.

“Barella only did therapy today, his ankle is a little less swollen but it is very hard that there could be tomorrow against Shakhtar. Also because it is played every three days and it would be risky to make it play under these conditions. If Barella doesn’t play, Christian Eriksen will be the starter in midfield. He will be playing with Brozovic and Gagliardini “explained Andrea Paventi.
For Eriksen, it would certainly be a resounding increase. After the entry in the 91st minute against Bologna, who seemed to have sanctioned the final dismissal of the Dane from Inter, here is the incredible opportunity as a starter in the most important game of the year. Except for last minute surprises.