Alabama Big Brother Vip the normally calm Stefania orlando yells at Maria Teresa Route me Bare the news gloats. The tough confrontation immediately after the nomination inflicted on the penultimate night by Tommaso zorzi for his astonished friend Orlando, he ends up directly in the ranking of the “New monsters” of the satirical news Canale 5 founded and directed by Antonio Ricci “Maria Teresa I broke my ass, don’t break my ass.”
All the blame for Filippo NardiRuta had suggested, who was later displaced by the angry reaction of the Orlando portrayed, worsening the situation. The organized showdown on Friday night helped reconcile Tommaso and Stefania. Well what ends well (and Ruta will be happy: Filippo has been disqualified).
The fight between Orlando and Ruta: watch the full video of Striscia la Notizie