
The vaccination plan desired by Mario Draghi will arrive during the weekend, which should give a decisive acceleration to the anti-Covid immunization in Italy in the middle of the third wave. The new distribution and management strategy is taking shape, according to Palazzo Chigi, and will be unveiled in the coming days. On Friday, the Prime Minister will visit the center of Fiumicino, a symbolic gesture for the launch of the new – and hopefully decisive – phase of mass vaccination. After so much bad news about deliveries, the good news is that the EU Commission has bought another 4 million doses, in particular from Pfizer, in addition to those planned in the first quarter and that Italy will touch 532,000 more.
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At the end of the month, 7 million doses
By the end of March, approximately 7 million vaccines should arrive, allowing the country to administer about 300,000 per day, double the current level. From April to June, Italy should receive more than 12 million doses a month on paper, with the possibility of vaccinating at least 400,000 people a day. The problem will be to do it. So decisive becomes logistics, with landmarks and mobile units. Poste Italiane has made its free platform available to reserve the vaccine in 6 regions in difficulty with yours: Lombardy, Sicily, Calabria, Marche, Abruzzo and Basilicata. The news refers to a clearer definition of priorities in the campaign, after some chaos in the first phase in which each Region left on its own and many doses were left in the refrigerators. After the vaccination of those over 80, teachers and law enforcement will move on to extremely fragile issues, according to the draft of the new plan. Then we will continue through decreasing age groups. Among the priority categories are the disabled and the people who care for them.
Lazio more than 600,000 vaccinated
The other key aspect of trying to get a mass vaccination in April is the expansion of vaccinators. To the 60,000 doctors in the area (general medicine, free-choice pediatricians, outpatient specialists) and 40,000 specialists are added the 63,600 dentists and dentists with an agreement reached today. An army that pediatricians and sports doctors are expected to join. In Lazio, which exceeded 600,000 vaccinated of almost 6 million inhabitants, more than 10%, disabled and extremely fragile patients began to be vaccinated today, as well as in Emilia Romagna. Vaccinations will also be carried out in companies for employees, based on agreements reached with Confindustria -which has launched a national mapping- on the model of the one signed in Lombardy and in sight in Piedmont, one of the most developed regions but also more affected by the coronavirus. Friuli and Veneto are also moving towards defining ad hoc protocols with companies for company doctors.
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First Drive-Through in Milan
On Friday the Defense will also enter the field of play with the inauguration in Milan, in Trenno Park, of the first drive-through, in which to get vaccinated without leaving the car. These are some of the measures put in place to accelerate a vaccination that currently sees almost 6 million (to be precise 5,951,032) doses administered in Italy for more than 4 million vaccinated, of which more than 2.2 million with a doses and more than 1.7 million even with withdrawal, according to data from the Ministry of Health. While almost a third of people over 80 years of age have been vaccinated, in the age group 70 to 79 years, in any case at risk, the percentage is so far only 2%. As of March 7, there were still more than a million unused doses in the refrigerators, with significant disparities between regions in administration. A uniformity that will be sought in the new vaccination plan, “decidedly enhanced” as defined by Draghi a few days ago.
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Last updated: 20:50