“Balotelli? On the first date with him …”, an unthinkable gesture – Libero Quotidiano


Since Cristiano Malgioglio joined the Big Brother Vip, several competitors confessed to him, fueling a greater dynamic within the house of the reality show Canale 5 presented by Alfonso Signorini. This time it was the turn of Dayane mello, who has decided to speak with the lyricist about some attitudes he has had in recent weeks and that would arise from the need for attention, especially from a man. Speaking on this topic, the Brazilian model also revealed background on Mario balotelli, with whom he had an affair several years ago: “It’s very romantic, he made me look for 100 red roses in the car on the first date.” Malgioglio was very surprised, given that the footballer in public is perceived in a totally different way: “Balotelli’s romanticism has bothered me.” Then he got serious again and asked Mello the following question: “What makes you aggressive sometimes? Because you are a good girl, but you are always on the attack… why? ”. However, the Brazilian model could not answer this question.
