Bad weather, Venice under water: controversy over the Mose. The San Marco prosecutor: “dramatic situation”


Bad weather suddenly rises the tide in Venice. The Mose is not bred. And the city ends under water. If until this morning the high tide had reached a maximum of 122 centimeters, with part of the city flooded, immediately after lunch the Municipality revised the forecast upwards by announcing a maximum of 145 cm at 4:40 p.m. today due to the anomalous strengthening of the Bora wind. And 10 cm more for the city of Chioggia. At the indicated time, the peak of the tide reached 137 centimeters in Punta della Salute.

“The situation is terrible, we are under water in a dramatic way,” says Carlo Alberto Tessein, procurator of the Basilica of San Marco. “The narthex is completely flooded – he explains, counting the damage to the sacred building – and if the level rises again the internal chapels will also sink.” As always, the mosaics are completely covered in water. Water

Venice, inside the flooded St. Mark’s Basilica: the Mose has not been activated

Precisely by virtue of the previous climate forecasts, the Mose system -whose entry into operation occurs at 130 centimeters- was not activated, after two days in which the floodgates had been raised and, with more than 40 consecutive hours of activity, it had been avoided. two tides. So much so that until a few hours ago, Mayor Luigi Brugnaro exulted on Twitter: “In Venice we have once again stopped the sea.”

Now, however, there is controversy: “It is dramatic and shameful not to consider an exceptional tide of this kind – accuses Claudio Vernier, manager of the Bar Gelateria al Todaro and president of the Piazza San Marco Association – The forecast of at least 125 centimeters maximum c ‘It was already yesterday, so not raising the gates was at least a questionable decision. Having the Mose and not using it is absurd because 5 cm of water in Venice changes everything. And if the water reaches 145 cm I will only have at least 15 thousands of euros of damages “.

“Why hasn’t the Mose been activated today? – Asks Cinzia Zincone, head of the Northeast Public Works Superintendency – We are in an experimental phase, in which it is lifted when there is a forecast of 130 centimeters: the alert arrives 48 hours before, to allow not only to issue the orders for navigation but also summon the operational teams ”.

Bad weather, Italy under water: red alert until Sunday

Although in Venice there is talk of ‘removing the button’ (pressing the button), in reality the operation was born very early and you have to be prepared – he emphasizes -. Until this morning the forecasts did not reach 130, and when they changed it was out of time. It is expected that there is room for error, but not so close. Zincone says he expects two things: “The first is that the wind, which is the most imponderable and imaginative element in the meteorological world, will push the waters out of the lagoon and do what we have not been able to do today,” he concludes. The second is that it is also possible to take advantage of this experience to update the procedures in order to also adapt them to situations like this, of sudden deterioration ”.
