
Rosignano, September 25, 2020 – Bad weather tonight hit hard on the coast between Livorno and Rosignano. In Rosignano Solvay, a whirlwind caused panic just before 9:00 p.m. It happened in the area between via Veneto and Via dei Cavalleggeri, not far from Lillatro.
According to reports from the mayor of the city, Daniele Donati, “there are injured and people in shock“A first budget, the mayor said, would count 3 to 4 injured and 4 or 5 damaged houses. The wind of more than 100 kilometers per hour also blew the tiles, gutters and containers. The tensile structure that covers the tennis courts of the Circolo Canottieri Solvay has been damaged where two people played tennis and were injured and taken to the Livorno hospital. Damage also to ristorante of the club where the verandah was destroyed. Some families were evacuated from their homes awaiting usability controls, they were housed in a palsetra where the Coc (Municipal Operation Center) was installed
The force of the vortex knocked down dozens of pine trees, one of which with just a mustache did not kill a passing woman in her Twingo on her way home. The tree crashed into the front hood, miraculously unharmed the woman who was taken to the emergency room in Cecina due to shock and shock.
“The roofs of some houses between via Veneto and via Cavalleggeri have been discovered – said Mayor Daniele Donati – So the advanced command post of civil protection was installed in the gymnasium of the Lillatro plus the reception point for families who suffered damage to their homes. ”Manythe cars were damaged. Mayor Donati also rushed to the scene along with firefighters, ambulances and civil protection operators with firefighters from Cecina, Livorno, Florence and Pisa. At the same time, the Aurelia bypass between Cecina and Rosignano was closed due to the fall of some pine trees.
Tree falls on a car: injured
A 52-year-old woman from Piombino, who was traveling by car with her husband, suffered a sub-amputation of her left arm after a large poplar fell into the cabin of the car due to bad weather. The woman was transferred with a reserved prognosis to the Livorno hospital, where she will be operated on, but would not be in danger of death. The man next to her suffered very minor injuries. The accident occurred around 4 in the afternoon today at Strada della Principessa, in the Casina Rossa, while the couple was traveling from San Vincenzo to Piombino. As reported by rescuers while the couple passed in their car in front of the Casina Rossa entrance, one of the large poplars found on the side of the road due to the strong wind and probably also due to the ground softened by the heavy rains. , fell into the cabin which was crushed. Venturina Terme carabinieri, firefighters and 118 intervened in the act.
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Air trumpet in Rosignano (Photo Lanari)
Air trumpet in Rosignano (Photo Lanari)
Whirlwind in Rosignano
Whirlwind in Rosignano
Whirlwind in Rosignano
Whirlwind in Rosignano