Bad weather in the North and Tyrrhenian sector


Snow reaches the Alps. Thermal collapse due to cold winds on Saturday

Rains, thunderstorms, storms, winds even stormy, seas even very rough, finally thermal decline of more than 10 degrees and then also snow: a few days before the beginning of the astronomical autumn, Italy is already fighting the first severe wave of bad weather of the season, linked to two intense disturbances, very close to each other. The number 6 of the month is the one that is currently in transit in the Peninsula, while the number 7 is already near the western Alps. The much cooler air mass behind it descending from northern Europe will crowd against the Alpine barrier between tonight and Saturday morning, causing a marked decrease in the snow line in the Alps, and then emerging to the southern regions in the second part of Saturday, when the disturbance will leave our country. A temporary and partial improvement will follow, pending another disturbance, number 8, which will more directly affect the Centrosud and the Northeast on Sunday.

Bad weather in the North and Tyrrhenian sector

Weather forecast for Friday. In the north, in the central regions of the Tyrrhenian, Umbria, Campania and Sardinia, bad weather with rains and thunderstorms, locally even intense. In the rest of the south and in Sicily, more occasional phenomena arrive in the afternoon and at night. In Emilia Romagna and in the central Adriatic regions, large gusts and generally dry weather prevail. Temperatures: decreasing maximums in the north, in Tuscany, Lazio and Sardinia, temporarily increasing in the middle Adriatic, in the south and in Sicily where it can reach 30 degrees, with higher peaks on the island and in Calabria. Intense Libeccio winds, even stormy in seas and south-central regions, with gusts of up to 70-80 km / h. Seas: wavy or very wavy, up to the seas of Liguria and Corsica.

Bad weather in the North and Tyrrhenian sector

Weather forecast for Saturday. In the north the weather improved, except for some snowfalls along the Alpine barrier up to 1400-1600 m, especially in the morning, at lower altitudes in the Valle d’Aosta sector. In Centrosud the climate is very variable, sometimes unstable, with some rain still, but with a tendency to shine in the morning in Tuscany, in the afternoon in the rest of the central regions, in the afternoon also in the South. Temperatures: minimums and maximums falling everywhere, even beyond 10 degrees in the central Adriatic regions, in the south and in Sicily. Winds: between the west and the northwest, even stormy (with gusts even higher than 100 km / h) in the Alps, in the major islands and in the dominant seas that will be very rough, even the rough sea of ​​Sardinia with waves of up to 6-7 meters.

Bad weather in the north and tyrrhenian sector
