Bad weather in the Marca, the Piave overflows and floods several areas of alluvial plains


What just happened was a particularly difficult night for the regional civil protection system due to the bad weather in the Belluno area: the Meschio floods in Cordignano generating numerous floods and the evacuation of 76 guests from the rest home of the Municipality of Alpago is underway. In the Alto Belluno area, the risk of avalanches is still high and at 11 am the meeting of the Regional Civil Protection Crisis Unit was called where a videoconference was held on the risk of avalanches with the mayors of Alto Bellunese. Meanwhile, it should be noted that the Piave in the Nervesa della Battaglia area is already abundantly flooded, so much so that in some alluvial plains it is unfortunately already overflowing, while significant damage has been recorded outside the Posa Puner di Miane Refuge due to the strong wind (photo down ).

At about 13 o’clock then, On the A27 Venice-Belluno motorway, the section between Fadalto and Belluno in the direction of Belluno has been reopened, which had been closed to allow controls on the outer side of the highway road affected by violent storms during the night. At the event site, to ensure the continuation of the verification activities, traffic circulates in one lane in change of carriageway and there are no traffic disturbances. Strada Ss 51 Alemagna, on the other hand, is closed in Nove di Vittorio Veneto due to debris on the road. Anas is intervening at the scene, but fortunately there are no vehicles or people involved. In the Barche di Falzè di Piave area, however, the village was closed to traffic with barriers due to water coming from the areas of the Piavel floodplain.

Regarding rail traffic, traffic is still suspended and rescheduled with replacement bus services on the Milan-Venice line, is also suspended between Ponte nelle Alpi and Vittorio Veneto due to line damage caused by critical weather conditions; and again, to contain the spread of Covid-19, according to the Veneto Region, the night services between Venice Santa Lucia and Portogruaro – Treviso – Vicenza – Verona are canceled from November 21 to December 12 inclusive and replaced by buses from November 21 to 30, while from midnight on Saturday, December 5 to 6 a.m. on Monday, December 7, the connections of the Udine – Tarvisio Boscoverde, Udine – Sacile, Sacile – Maniago and Casarsa – Portogruaro lines are suspended For caution. Trains on the Trieste – Udine – Venice line are limited to Udine and canceled on the Udine – Venice section. The suspension is due to the publication of Ordinance No. 44 of December 4 of the Autonomous Region of Friuli Venezia Giulia due to the climatic emergency that is affecting the area.

“The night was particularly complex, between landslides and landslides that occurred in the province of Belluno, in Agordino, in Alpago nel Feltrino – explains the Minister of Civil Protection, Gianpaolo Bottacin – There have been several floods, the Meschio was flooded in Cordignano flooding several districts. The most delicate situation is in the municipality of Alpago, where 76 non-self-sufficient guests from a nursing home are being evacuated by ambulance: they are diverted to the other nursing home in Ponte nelle Alpi and, to a lesser extent, to that of Pieve di Cadore. Given the persistence of the rains, attention remains at the highest levels – continues Bottacin – The monitoring of the situation is constant, we are trying to give quick responses to citizens.

«Everyone is advised not to move in the next few hours, except for urgent and impossible-to-delay reasons. An order will be issued to prohibit access to mountain resorts to non-residents due to bad weather and not serving appeals and Dpcm. In fact, I remind you that regardless of bad weather, the current Dpcm strongly recommends not moving except for work, health or necessity reasons. With the bad weather and the warnings that we have been giving for days, this concept became even stronger. Therefore, respect the instructions ”, concludes the commissioner.

So instead, the mayor of Treviso Mario Conte: «Four Treviso Civil Protection teams are monitoring the situation at critical points in the city where floods have occurred in the past. The situation is also under control because in recent days, thanks to Councilor Alessandro Manera, a cleaning of the drains was carried out precisely to avoid the risk of traffic jams and annoyances.

Still, these are the words of the municipal administration of Orsago: «We express our solidarity with the families and activities of Cordignano who, after the Meschio flood last night, suffered damage to their homes and businesses. Thanks to our Civil Protection volunteers who immediately made themselves available to help law enforcement and firefighters. A great service that they always perform with the utmost spirit of sacrifice and dedication. Thank you! Finally, we make one more recommendation to all the citizens of Orsago to pay close attention to the weather even in the next few hours.

The words of Governor Zaia

“What just happened was a particularly difficult night for the regional civil protection system due to bad weather in the Belluno area: the Meschio overflowed in Cordignano, causing numerous floods, and the evacuation of the 76 guests of the rest home of the City Council by Alpago. In the upper area of ​​Belluno, the risk of avalanches remains high. The night was particularly complex, with disturbances and landslides that occurred in the province of Belluno, in the Agordino area, in Alpago nel Feltrino. There have been several floods, the Meschio was flooded in Cordignano flooding several districts. The most delicate situation is in the municipality of Alpago, where 76 non-self-sufficient guests from a nursing home are being evacuated by ambulance: they are diverted to the other nursing home in Ponte nelle Alpi and, to a lesser extent, to that of Pieve di Cadore ».

“Given the persistent rains, attention remains at the highest levels. The monitoring of the situation is constant, we are trying to give quick responses to the public. I started the process to declare a state of crisis for the areas of the region affected by bad weather. Pending the Governor’s signature and forwarding to the National Department of National Civil Protection for the request for a declaration of a state of emergency by the Council of Ministers, the decree will remain “open” in order to allow local authorities to carry out a census. damage to public works, infrastructures, individuals, companies and production centers and communicate the results to the competent regional delegations. The state of crisis, at the moment, affects the municipalities of the Alto Vicentino, Trevigiana Pedemontana and the territory of the Province of Belluno »concludes Zaia.

