Milan and Lombardy woke up this morning, covered in a thick layer of fresh snow. Last night the snowfall began and now, in Milan, there is about 15 centimeters of snow, with the main roads swept away but many others, the secondary ones, still covered with snow. A woman was injured when a pole collapsed, hitting her in the street. It happened around 9 o’clock in via Raffaello Sanzio, on 21st Street: after a tree fell that hit the tram overhead lines, one of the ‘wire poles’ that supported them gave way, hitting the passerby. According to the first information of 118, the woman suffered a head injury but would be conscious and would not endanger her life. A man suffered a heart attack while plowing snow in via Monte Grappa: he was revived but it is serious.
Milan under the snow, interventions by fallen trees
Branches collapsed under the weight of snow, trees uprooted: since the early hours of the morning there have been numerous reports to firefighters and local police
Fallen trees, traffic problems and closed parks in Milan
Firefighters and local police operational centers received several reports since early morning and had to intervene due to fallen trees and broken branches, but also due to lights and unsafe scaffolding, or pieces of cornices in balance. Local police advise against venturing into green areas, perhaps to snowball, near tall trees. In via Raffaello Sanzio the tram lines blocked due to two trees that cut the aerial cables when they fell, in via Varsovia two heavy vehicles crossed the road. Interruption on line 16 and route changes with interruptions on lines ’12’ and ’19’. Replacement buses planned. Mobility Councilor Marco Granelli wrote on his Facebook profile that today the fenced parks will remain closed. “The coordination of the snow system is underway in the operational center in via Drago, given that about 15 cm of snow has fallen in the city and it will snow until 12 o’clock – we read – 200 vehicles are in service to clear and salt the roads, 150 people at critical points such as access to MM and ATM stops, hospitals and 50 local police patrols. ”The metro is regular.
Snow-bleached Milan: working with vehicles and shovels to clear sidewalks and building entrances
Milan woke up under four inches of snow, which began to fall since last night. The main roads have been swept away but many others, the secondary ones, are still covered in snow. Vehicles at work and men with shovels to clear streets, sidewalks and entrances to buildings.
The emergency plan: salt spreaders in action
In Milan, the emergency plan was activated and the salt spreaders have been in service for hours to facilitate the movement of vehicles – with the cleaning of overpasses, access to ring roads, public transport routes – and the transit of citizens – cleaning of ATM stops on the surface, subway entrances, access to public offices and hospitals -. The Municipality of Milan renews the call to the administrators of the condominium to spread the salt on the parts of the streets and sidewalks in front of the private buildings and clean the snow in case of accumulation.

Bad weather also in the rest of Lombardy
Not only Milan, the rest of Lombardy also took action in view of the weather forecast. The salting of roads has already been carried out in recent days both to avoid large accumulations of snow and to avoid the subsequent formation of ice. The Como City Council, as well as other administrations, invites citizens “to avoid unnecessary travel, in order to facilitate those who have to go out to work, and postpone outdoor sports activities, considering that in case of accident hospitals they are already suffering from the pandemic. ” Parks have been closed as a precaution, given possible accumulations of snow on trees, in several Lombard cities.

Restrictions on the movement of trains
Due to the heavy snowfall forecast in Lombardy “, the heads of the RFI and Ferrovienord infrastructures have scheduled today the activation of the emergency plan that provides for the limitation of the rail service on all lines.” Connections on the main lines will be guaranteed. directives, which will be served with at least one train per hour; Any exceptions on the lines will be communicated promptly. “Due to the consequences of bad weather”, traffic can also suffer serious slowdowns. It is advisable to move only if it is strictly necessary. “
Bad weather, Lombardy on alert for the arrival of snow
by Ilaria Carra