1 minute, 42 seconds

TOWARDS CHRISTMAS, THE FIRST SIGNS OF DETERIORATION. The ‘pioneer’ disturbance in the days leading up to Christmas 2020 will face Italy from the North Atlantic and little by little it will dismantle the anticyclone, determiningor some deterioration from the north and the Tyrrhenian regions. But the most important thing is that on Christmas Day the cold air from northern Europe to the central Mediterranean will determine a sharp drop in temperature in northern Italy and will contribute to the formation of a low pressure vortex at the height of Central Italy, around which will revolve a disturbance responsible for a Christmas with a troubled weather in many of our central-south regions.
CHRISTMAS, BAD WEATHER IN CENTRO-SOUTH AND SNOW IN APENNES. While the disturbance will leave northern Italy, driven by cold Scandinavian currents, and the weather will improve, the weather worsening in most central and southern regions. Directly involved will be those on the Tyrrhenian side, exposed to a tense flow of westerly winds that will sweep across the central Mediterranean, caused by the formation of a low-pressure vortex in the trunk. Where bad weather will hit the phenomenon will be characterized by falling snowfall, due to the continuous influx of cold Scandinavian air. Therefore, the Apennine mountain range is involved and in particular the northern one, but probably also the reliefs of Sardinia, where temperatures will collapse with the passage of hours.
SANTO STEFANO, VORTICIO IN SOUTHERN ITALY. In 24 hours, the low-pressure vortex, fueled by cold Scandinavian currents, will reach the southern regions, where the connected front will cause conditions of the prevailing bad weather on Boxing Day. The cold air that will feed it will favor snowfall in almost mountainous altitudes, while in the Center and especially in the North there will be more stable conditions but with cold weather, with the restoration of an expanding high pressure field in Western Europe however, it may only be temporary.
Does bad weather only affect Italy or other parts of Europe? Find out the expected weather in Europe and in the world.
To know in real time where it is raining or snowing, check our Radar section, with real-time images of rainfall both nationally and regionally.
The wave of bad weather will be accompanied by sustained winds that will sweep through different areas of our Peninsula. For all the details, see our wind maps.
Will incoming rains improve air quality in our cities? To understand what the concentrations of the main pollutants will be like, visit the pollutants section.
How long will bad weather last? All the details in the Italian weather section.
To find out where it will rain the most in the next few hours, check out our precipitation maps.
Bad weather, as mentioned, will be locally intense. For details on the expected weather alerts, see the alerts section.
Will the expected rains in the coming days reduce the pollen concentration? Check out our pollen section.