It will be a particular year that we are going to live. We returned to the classroom six months after the last time, but the school has changed due to the ongoing coronavirus emergency. There are rules to follow and also situations to avoid.
Let’s see what cannot be done until the Covid-19 emergency is over (the measures, it should be noted, will be subject to new variations depending on the change in the epidemiological framework).
It will not be possible to sing, for example, as before. The CTS, in fact, suggested avoiding yelling and even singing during music hours, if you have to, you will have to implement strict security measures.
The Scientific Technical Committee also discourages team and group games. So there are no meetings, but individual games to allow for social distancing.
Yes to sport but outdoors if possible. In fact, physical education can be done indoors, but adequate ventilation of the room and a distance of at least two meters must be ensured.
However, with single banks, the bank partner will disappear and therefore we will separate from the friend or friend. The interaction between students, at the time of Covid-19, will be different. What will happen, instead, with the canteen? Not washable flatware, you will need to use individual servings with disposable flatware and plates. It will not be possible to all go to lunch together, but to take turns to ensure adequate space.
Meetings will also be prohibited during the interval.i: we will divide into shifts occupying different areas. Obviously it will not be possible to enter all together and the entrances will be staggered with a dedicated path for entry and exit.
Without the mask you will not be able to move in the common areas.
Last but not least, indication: it will not be possible to send students to other classes in case of absence due to teacher illness.
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