It is difficult to maintain the happiness of being together and the worries together. On the first day of classes yesterday, the danger of contagion changed the entrance hours, multiplied the accesses, put the thermocans in the hands of the teachers. It prevented Giulia and Elena, III C of the primary Gobetti, from hugging after so many months, exchanging confidences in the ear. But behind yesterday’s masks there were only smiling eyes. «We are happy, there was a need to go back, to socialize and study. Of course, there is a bit of concern, but the school has reassured us, “said Tamara Scapin as she waited to entrust her Lisa to boarding school teacher Umberto I. And Sonia Nerpiti, Federica’s mother:” The resumption of infections puts anxiety, but we trust the school. Of course, we measure the temperature at home, we explain to the children that school is not what it used to be, that we have to respect more rules. But they have learned to live with the virus. Here’s the point too school: living with the virus. Make what sounds extraordinary and threatening on the first day become “ordinary.” Yesterday a Galfer class stayed home as a precaution for two positive students. At the Umberto I institute, an asymptomatic boy who had undergone a serological test was beaten; the same thing happened to a teacher at the Bonacossa kindergarten in via Nizza.
“On Friday at 6 in the afternoon, the ASL contacted us asking for a report, the names of all the companions, tax codes, parents’ phone numbers, all the meetings that our student had, who had attended the reinforcement courses the week pass”. , explains Giulia Guglielmini, director of the Umberto I boarding school. “Beyond anxiety, an excess of work. On Saturday morning we send the report immediately, then the list of everything. We don’t choose what to do with the class, it’s ASL. Until they say, everything is normal. But according to procedure, if there are two cases in a class, the class stays home. But it is the ASL that can make the global assessment. Principal Guglielmini recalls what could happen: “A family with three children in three different schools is a normal situation … Everything will be complicated and many open questions remain. But it was good to go back. We hope that Healthcare can handle this amount of work. For this I suggest everyone to always keep the mask. It is tiring at first, but we can’t do anything else. Protecting yourself and being responsible in and out of school is the leitmotif. Yesterday, for the same reason, executives such as Paola De Faveri from the Alfieri Institute and Tommaso De Luca dell’Avogadro reflected on the insufficient width of the sidewalks on which children, after getting off buses, are inevitably waiting with real risk to meet despite the tickets. diversified and multiplied.
The case of the Bonacossa school came up yesterday afternoon, the teacher had been at home since Friday. “We immediately inform the ASL and inform the families. We recommend the serological test and the Immuni application to all teachers in our schools. This teacher was scrupulous ”, explains Luigi Vico, provincial president of the FISM and prosecutor of the Bonacossa Foundation. «The institute – he says – has all the recordings, we send them to the ASL. And we keep the children’s “bubble” separate. The other teachers tested negative. The affected teacher, asymptomatic, worked on the new entrances last week and always kept a mask and visor. We believe that the infection may have occurred on public transport. ‘ Yesterday morning, in Bonacossa as in several public and private schools, the thermo-scanners were in action.