
The Emg-Different / Adnkronos poll shows that one in two Italians wants high school students to go back to class on January 7.
The theme of the reopening of schools takes hold: on January 7, high school students are expected to return to their desks, after 100% DDI in the last weeks of the year. Between whom make reentry to class a top priority and who instead invites cautionEven taking into account the latest developments of the English variant of the coronavirus, a fairly clear opinion emerges: for one in two Italians it is absolutely necessary to return to the presence.
These are the results that emerged from the survey Emg-Different / Adnkronos carried out the December 21 of a sample of 1523 representative cases of the Italian population of age by sex, age, region, class of demographic breadth of the Municipalities.
To the question “She agrees that the students return to class on January 7th.“, 54% answered affirmatively, 32% “too soon” while the 14% Does not answer.
Among those who agree to return to class on January 7, the 53% are the men and the 54% they are women.
Regarding the age distribution of those in favor, among the 18 and 34 years I am the 36%, between 35 and 54 years are 56%, over 54 years are in favor of 54%.
From a geographical point of view, it is in the Northeast the peak of supporters (63%), followed by the Islands (56%), the continental regions of the South (52%) and, last but not least, the Center (42%).
The survey, explains the AdnKronos agency, was carried out with the telematic panel survey method, on a total of 2000 contacts and with a response rate of 76%; rejections / replacements 477 (rejection rate 24%), and has a greater or lesser confidence interval of estimates of 2.3%.