Back to school, Lazio could also be postponed to September 24 –


Back to school postponed to September 24 also in Lazio? The hypothesis comes to life. That’s what Il Messaggero reports. The date set by the Region is September 14, but several municipal administrations are thinking of postponing it until after the elections.

On the use of any ordinance, yesterday during the technical meeting with the Region, President Anci Lazio, Varone explained: “An avalanche of measures in this sense would provoke a series of critical issues in all the territories of the region, especially in those municipalities that have school complexes within them that also serve neighboring municipalities.”.

Hundreds of schools have asked to postpone the opening, the request is spreading like a patch, I get messages from all over Italy“Mario Rusconi, president of the PNA Lazio, told Corriere della Sera.”There are no desks, no teachers, especially support, the adaptation work has not been completed – adds – the requests I get are a lot, because the managers don’t want to find themselves unprepared for the reopening, and they hope that at least after 10 p.m. we can have a safety framework for the students because the managers don’t want to find themselves unprepared for the reopening, and they hope that at least after 22 reopening you can have a student security framework ““.

