Back to school in Piedmont, Cirio: “The temperature of children in the school newspaper” – La Stampa


TURIN. A novelty among the novelties for the opening of the new school year: in Piedmont, families will have the obligation to write down in the diary, or on special forms, the temperature of the children who go to school. The president of the Piedmont Region, Alberto Cirio, who will sign the ordinance today, announced this afternoon in Ansa. “A child in school with a fever is a huge risk, we would have preferred it to go to school to measure it but we have been told that it is not possible,” explains the governor. That is why we adopted an ordinance that obliges families to self-certify the temperature on the agenda or with a specific form. If this does not happen, the school will have to measure it.

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Deadline respected
On the occasion, Cirio confirmed the start of the school year: «The school, in Piedmont, leaves on September 14 and is safe. The fact that other Regions are making different decisions means that our territory has worked well – emphasizes the governor – Here mayors, provincial presidents and school leaders have never stopped working, improvising as architects and surveyors when necessary, to remodel the school. So on Monday we are leaving.

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