
Countdown to go back to school. The institutes are organizing themselves to meet all obligations related to security measures for a safe return to school. Among the documents to be taken into account, the guidelines that contain all the indications for each moment of the lives of students and school personnel within schools.
As for common spaces, recreation areas, corridors, paths must be provided that guarantee: distance between people, limitation of meetings, also by means of special signs.
To perform recreation, motor and didactic activities planned, when possible and compatible with structural, safety and meteorological variables, favoring them outdoors, promoting outer space as an alternative learning opportunity.
For physical education activities, if carried out indoors (for example, gyms), adequate ventilation and an interpersonal distance of at least 2 meters must be guaranteed (in analogy to what is regulated in annex 17 of the Prime Minister’s Decree of May 17, 2020) . In the early stages of school reopening, team games and group sports are not recommended, while individual physical sports activities that allow physical distancing are preferred.
Eat at school represents a moment of fundamental importance both from the educational point of view, for the acquisition of correct eating habits, and health, since it represents a healthy and balanced meal. Therefore, it is essential to preserve the consumption of meals at school by guaranteeing organizational solutions that ensure distance.
Also for him school lunch individual schools must identify ad hoc organizational solutions that ensure the necessary distancing through the management of spaces (refectory or other suitable premises), schedules (shifts), and to a residual extent through the provision of food in a “lunch box” for consumption in the classroom.
School premises intended for teaching must also be equipped with windows to ensure a replacement regular and sufficient air, favoring, in any case, natural ventilation. With regard to air conditioning systems, consult the specific indications of the document ISS COVID-19 Report no. 5 of April 21, 2020 available at the following link
Download all the guidelines
See also
Reopening of schools, all the necessary procedures: documents to download, models, useful information. UPDATED