Back to school, distance education could also go back to junior school – School News


The distance education It had to be limited, just in case it was necessary, as Minister Lucía Azzolina reiterated repeatedly, to the male and female secondary school students.

They, it was said, will be able to take a combination of face-to-face lessons at school and remotely at home only if necessary.

Scenarios change rapidly

But things change rapidly in the decisions that are being taken to open schools safely, also because the scenarios change from time to time in relation to the spread of the Coronavirus that is being registered in Italy in recent days and that is fear. It can be extended even more with the start of classes from next September 14, now there are only 10 days left.

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Therefore, distance classes could also be extended to first cycle students and not only in case of drop and in case of increased infections.

The document signed by Minister Speranza

The Minister of Health, Speranza, signed earlier this week with the director of WHO Europe Hans Kluge, a document that provides for distance education for all students, not only for secondary school students, therefore, not only in case temporary closure, quarantine or to protect the most fragile students, for example disabled teachers and others, but also to integrate teaching in case shifts or reduction of hours are necessary because the classes are too small to guarantee the safety of the students. students and teachers.
