Back to school: “different” normality and the need to manage the emotional experience of students – School News


After the official start of the new school year of Monday September 14Little by little all the schools in Italy will reopen their doors and on September 24 all the students will have to go back to class.

Despite the many controversies, sometimes useful, sometimes useless and spurious, the goal is nevertheless unique and shared: to go back to school and return safely. And not only to resume normal teaching activities, but to regain that fundamental relationship in the presence of the teacher / students, which was abruptly interrupted last March and whose failure weighed heavily on everyone, teachers, students and families.

Will we finally get back to normal at school? Hard to imagine because, in reality, in the best of cases, what we will face this year will be a new normal, a “different” normal.

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A school awaits us without physical contact, without handshakes, hugs or kisses, without those significant gestures of communication called “friendly”, those gestures of welcome, of empathy, capable of making our days better. Everyone, teachers and students, will miss these gestures.

Managing the emotional experience: a priority objective

In addition, all students, some more or less, carry the symptoms of a psychological discomfort generated by the experience of confinement and social withdrawal, discomfort that must be managed and processed to ensure their future serenity through adequate support to return to the school. class. The management of the emotional experience then becomes a priority objective, especially in the first months.

How to welcome children and young people to the classroom? How can we help them manage their emotions in this unusual experience to which the health emergency has forced them with the traumatic loss of the references that were habitual until yesterday? Some of them have also experienced difficult moments, of illness or hospitalization of relatives, or even the loss of loved ones; often also of economic uncertainty, social precariousness.

With higher percentages obviously in the areas most affected by the pandemic.

The proposals of the Center for the Quality of Teaching and Learning (CQIA) of the University of Bergamo

Not surprisingly, a well-articulated contribution from Lombardy arrives. The Center for the Quality of Teaching and Learning (CQIA) of the University of Bergamo has had the intention since the beginning of the pandemic to offer adequate psychological, pedagogical and didactic support to teachers, offering free online advice to the schools since last May but also through the organization, starting in September, of a series of specific and free courses for teachers of different levels and school levels on the subject “Back to school after Covid-19: reflections and suggestions “.

Training moments from which to give rise to itineraries to accompany the schools, in particular, in the first months after the reopening.
The course Back to school after Covid-19: itineraries for the psychological reworking of lived experiences, for example, it is designed to accompany teachers in the prefiguration of spaces and forms, suitable for different age groups, to give meaning both to the suspension of teaching activities in presence and to return to school.
Narratives and metaphors to grow and learn from the COVID19 emergencyOn the other hand, it proposes testimonies and personal works on the subjective experience linked to the emergency period, as well as the development of a set of narrative tools to be used as pedagogical and didactic tools in the classroom.

But the training offer also concerns other topics such as the management of inclusive processes, the enhancement of the study skills of BES students or the design of motor and sports activities in the time of Covid.

Unicef’s contribution to distance education

Unicef, for its part, makes available to schools a section dedicated to distance education, full of educational proposals aimed at students from 3 to 19 years old, but also at teachers and parents: from the risks and dangers of the web , to artistic and storytelling activities. , to the lessons on the 2030 Agenda carried out by the Unicef ​​Italia School Office. Among its proposals are the attractive Videolabs by Elena Baboni for children from 3 to 6 years old with practical activities on colors, shapes and emotions.

The attractiveness of psychotherapist Ornella Piccini on the website Building health

Important and delicate material for reflection on the subject of emotional discomfort derived from the perception of the “body as a vehicle of contagion” and valuable suggestions to be able to be “useful witnesses of the other” finally offers the appeal to teachers launched by the psychotherapist Ornella Piccini inl site (Call of a psychotherapist to and to teachers: how to welcome students in this difficult return ).

The invitation is to offer the students “the most appropriate answers possible, since we are denied the best ones” and to become a “precious tool at the service of these children” through: communication with the eyes despite the mask, the narration of emotional experience, the help to understand what is happening around us, the closeness of hearts such as recipe to decrease the distance from the body.
