Back to classes, precarious workers protest in front of the Ministry: “We keep the school open”


We denounce the lack of stabilization of the precarious teaching staff and we express our will to undertake a serious and concrete path to give didactic and educational continuity to the students.

This is what precarious school workers are asking for: “We are here to denounce the lack of stabilization of precarious teachers who have been keeping schools open for years”explains to Adnkronos Lara severi of the precarious Tuscan executive professors.

“Many of us have been precarious for six years or more and this is because the state has not given us the opportunity to train ourselves and, consequently, to stabilize ourselves. – continues Severi – There are different types of contests, including the extraordinary contest for paper, which however is not extraordinary since the programs are the same as the ordinary ones and above all it is a contest that does not take into account the experiences acquired throughout years. of us precarious teachers “.

“In contests, theoretical questions are asked, while what is required at the European level are transversal skills – continues Severi- which implies the ability of a teacher to adapt the topics to a heterogeneous class that includes more and more students with special educational needs, students of different nationalities. And all these are things that cannot be evaluated at all in a theoretical competition ”.

PHOTO (by Elisabetta Tonni, Orizzonte Scuola correspondent)
