“My thought is that if there is a family of two working parents, if they have an infected child and one of them should stay home, not necessarily, but it may be true, what is left at home should not lose out. not even one euro ”, said the extraordinary commissioner for the coronavirus emergency, Domenico Arcuri, interviewed in Bologna about the possible economic consequences in a family in which, due to the illness of a child, one of the two working parents is seen forced to stay home. This is a point, Arcuri said, that is being discussed within the government. “You certainly cannot imagine that until June there will not be one infected at the school,” added Arcuri, about the school’s reopening.
The legislative decree released today by the Cdm also contains rules that “simplify the allocation of resources for the refinancing of urgent interventions in the field of security for school buildings assigned with the decree-law of October 26, 2019, n. 124, which, for a total amount of 25 million euros, are intended to support local authorities in urgent interventions of works aimed, in particular, at the adaptation and adaptation of environments and spaces for educational purposes, also used for lease ” .
Regarding public transport “taking into account the evolution of the pandemic situation and the need to remodel the local public transport service, including school transport, in order to guarantee that it is provided in accordance with measures to contain the spread of Covid-19, it is foreseen for the Autonomous Regions and Provinces and for the local administrations the possibility of using, for the financing of complementary transport services, the resources provided by the “August Decree”, relative to the increase in transport aid public and to the Fund for the exercise of the functions of the local authorities ”, reads the note from Palazzo Chigi.