Back to class, Gelmini: “He improvised the option of not postponing mobility for this school year”


“Although the Mef has finally authorized 84,808 new entries for teachers, the Ministry has not
managed to solve the exhaustion of the rest of the rankings of qualified teachers. Thus, to fill vacant chairs, it will inevitably be necessary to use alternates, especially in some areas of the country. In fact, it is estimated that 250 thousand substitutes will be needed for those who have not yet completed the hiring procedures ”. Thus in a note Mariastella Gelmini, leader of Forza Italia in the Chamber of Deputies.

“Indeed – Explain – We still do not have any official data not even to have a clear idea of ​​the situation after the first phase of entry into office. And even the so-called ‘quick call’ phase only started on August 27, with the recognition of unassigned seats at the end of ordinary entries in the spot from the rankings to exhaustion. Furthermore, the success of this attempt will depend solely on the participation of the teachers and for the moment there are no unfounded doubts that this new procedure, close to the start of the new school year, could at least jeopardize its more orderly start ”.

“Always organic, – warns – It should be said that the procedures for the extraordinary competition to hire 33 thousand tenured teachers, in the I and II grade secondary school, are still in process. At the end of the term (July 31), registrations exceeded 400 thousand for just over 30 thousand places available ”.

“All these difficulties – emphasizes Gelmini – The contracting parties then join the reckless decision not to postpone the ordinary mobility procedure this year, which has always involved a whirlwind of movements between north and south, and vice versa. Now, what Minister Azzolina says every year is also true
the school started with vacant chairs sometimes until Christmas. Only in this way does he show that he does not understand that these considerations are only an aggravating factor in the impeachment of his work ”.

“Azzolina -Explain- This confirms that the confusing situation we are witnessing was absolutely predictable and that I should have thought about it first, also taking advantage of the fact that the school has been closed since March 10 ”.
