
“It is better to avoid singing in class. Research has established that if there is a positive in a choir, it infects 50. The drops have a radius of fall of two meters and can increase with singing. Masks can help but I don’t know how much. ”
Then the virologist Andrea Crisanti, Director of Microbiology at the University of Padua, guest of ‘Agorà Estate’ at RaiTre.
Then: “If the measures are followed correctly I am less concerned about the reopening of schools than
to the companies. The pursuit of profit can take shortcuts and it is difficult to completely control all companies. While in schools there is a more linear chain of responsibilities ”.
Still: “Every year we have about 8 million people with the flu, most of them between the ages of 4 and 15.
Surely today a child with the flu activates a whole anti-Covid protection mechanism that diverts valuable resources. Many colleagues, and I am there too, have stressed the need
make vaccination compulsory or encourage ”.
“But it’s not so easy – adds Crisanti – Vaccination services are inundated with highlights in recent months. It seems easy to say, let’s put a vaccine for everyone, but it is not easy to do it ”.