Back to class, Azzolina: “Measuring the temperature at home is a considered option”


The Minister of Education, Lucia Azzolina, spoke at Domenica Live – Non è la D’Urso, in Canale 5, with a view to the return to school scheduled for tomorrow, Monday, September 14.

“We took the state tests, half a million students took them, now we have an even more important night, everyone has to go back, I’m very excited. Temperature is measured at home. It makes much more sense to take his temperature at home than to put him on a bus or in places where he can infect his companions. Even more so if he was sick with Covid. We have worked with a view to absolute prevention. France also decided to take their temperature at home. I trust Italian families ”.

Back to school, Monday 14 special appointment with many guests. Our school day program

I trust Italian families, I know they will measure it. It will be a complex and difficult year, everyone must be responsible. We have written very serious protocols with the Higher Institute of Health. If a child is positive, the
The school has a record of contacts that the child has been in contact with and at ASL we have created an office dedicated solely to the school. It means that the ASL acts to perform rapid tests on all the children with whom it has had contact, even the school personnel. A very important night, I am very excited. Mask? Even the teacher who wants to move around the classroom must keep the mask. In the classroom, if there is a meter away, the mask can be removed, but if someone feels more secure wearing it, they can keep it. Children can eat in class or in the cafeteria, schools are getting organized. We are working hard to ensure safety in an extraordinary year. In Italy, the rules were strict. The counters have never been reversed, a delay that has lasted for 20 years ”.

Finally on the counters: “School administrators asked us for 2.4 million desks: 2 million are the traditional ones and 450,000 are the wheels. Some have already been delivered, now all the others are for delivery between now and the end of October. Just because there is no single desk does not mean that school cannot start. Where the distance meter is not guaranteed, everyone will wear a mask. On the banks of
this country has never invested. The delay is twenty years, it is not ours. We start with the areas that have suffered the most. When I was a teacher, do you know how many pairs of jeans I tore on old chairs and desks? Families will see the difference between old and new furniture and will be satisfied. “
