Back to class, Azzolina: “Less political propaganda, more proposals for the school” [DIRETTA VIDEO]


On Wednesday, September 9 at 10 am, the Minister of Education, Lucía Azzolina, informs the Chamber about the modalities for the resumption of the school year on September 14.

“The school is a pillar of our society. This is precisely why we owe the school great respect. And, in the name of the school, even in the normal dialectical confrontation that must always exist in a healthy and democratic society, more collaboration, more proposals and less political confrontation are needed. Taking advantage of the school to make mere propaganda, even more so in delicate moments like this, means not acting in the interests of our girls and boys ”.

“What our girls and boys, school personnel and families do not deserve is to witness sterile controversies on their skin. They do not deserve to hear impressive slogans and phrases that target the belly of the electorate, but then they do not leave anything concrete on the table, no real proposals, no real initiatives. I hope that the great lesson of constant work, sacrifice and resilience that the national education and training system has provided in recent weeks, which, as a whole, has worked for recovery, can really guide the debate in another way ”.

Still: “Even these days we have read unfair stories against the school. References to teachers who do not want to undergo the serological test, who do not want to follow the pathways of integration and recovery of learning, who want to declare themselves fragile workers en masse so as not to return to the classroom. As I said yesterday in the Senate, there are too many simplifications and downward narratives about the school that, in cases like these, even run the risk of damaging an entire category, that of teachers, who have given so much and continue to give to new generations. As I explained in the letter sent to the school staff, I will always defend the work of those who work at the school, because I know their responsibilities and difficulties. I will always energetically reject insinuations that seek to discredit educational institutions and those who work there ”.

Then: “The disruption of school sociability and face-to-face lessons has clearly placed the importance of school at the center of the national debate. According to a recent survey, in recent months there has been talk of schools in the country every 26 seconds. Now that we are all even more aware of the centrality of this institution, we have a duty to continue to care for it with care. It is not with September 14 that our commitment ends, on the contrary. We face the challenge of European resources. The education sector deserves attention and strategies that look to the next ten years and not just to the immediate contingency. We have to plan, plan. Something that this country has lacked for too long, with rules and continuous changes that have stratified, mortifying the school amid cuts, bureaucratic obstacles, chronic dysfunctions, lack of vision ”.
