Question time in the Chamber of Deputies with the Minister of Education, Lucía Azzolina. The exponent of the Five Star Movement thus responds to the question posed by the League.
“This Executive is based on the solid conviction that the right to health and the right to education of our female and male students are not in conflict. All the decisions we have made in recent months go in this direction. We do not invest, with 325 million euros, only in the furniture that will remain in the Italian school as heritage, enriching it. Overall, more than 3 billion have been allocated for the start of the school year alone. To face the crisis, the capacity to spend on innovation has accelerated, starting from the need to strengthen the internet connection and distance learning tools, with special attention to the ultra-wide band, so as not to leave anyone behind. “.
Still: “We are working hard to quickly make up for lost ground over the years. Years of cuts, referring to seasons that the Italian school is in a hurry to forget, because they represent too great a wound for the school community ”.
Finally: “With decree-law n. 137/2020, in article 21, another 85 million euros have been allocated for the year 2020 that will be used by educational centers for the purchase of digital devices and connection tools that will be provided in loan for use to underprivileged students. I have already signed the award decree and the resources are now available for the schools to use according to their needs. A similar allocation of 85 million – provided for by the “Cura Italia Decree” – was used, last school year, by 8,223 educational institutions to buy 211,469 digital devices and provide connectivity to 117,727 students who lacked it. To these resources must be added the investments of the Structural Funds, more than 89 million for the purchase of devices and digital tools and 147 million for educational supports and kits, thanks to which schools have been able to acquire a total of more than 430,000 digital devices itals so far ”. .
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