Azzolina: “Puglia withdraws or corrects the ordinance that allows those who want to follow the lessons from home.” Emiliano: “Necessary and urgent measure”


It’s a war between the Minister of Education Lucia azzolina and the president of the Puglia region Michele Emiliano. On Sunday, at noon, the bomb arrives: “The region’s ordinance is withdrawal OR Right. Education is not a service of individual demand ”. Given Emiliano’s choice to grant those who want to follow the lessons from home, following the provision of Tar di bari that suspended the closure of schools decreed by the Region, the Azzolina is not there. The time for diplomacy is over. The negotiation too. And so the 5-star minister entrusts her position to a long press release: “In the next few hours, as part of the exercise of the usual fees sincere cooperation between institutions, the request will be formalized by the Ministry of Education withdrawal or revision of the regional ordinance that takes into account the provisions, with great clarity, of Dpcm of last November 3 for the so-called “orange“, Including Puglia”. A few hours later comes the response of the governor, determined to defend his order – made “necessary and urgent“In light of the infections, but without raising the tension level. “Despite not sharing tones and content from the Minister’s note, I will try in every way don’t argue, ma a to collaborate in order to guarantee the protection of students, teachers, school personnel and families of Puglia “, reads the long post published on his Facebook profile, in which Emiliano responds point by point to the reliefs of Azzolina.

The minister asks for a “report” to the Puglia region –Based on the requests of the Ministry of Education is “the share all the data that led to the decision regional, along with a report on the interventions carried out by the competent health and local authorities for an adequate global organization of the new school year, in accordance with the indications contained in the so-called “School plan“Approved in June also by the Regions, including Puglia”. But that is not all. Lucia Azzolina is already looking to the next few months and wants to understand what Puglia is doing for the restart: “The report should also contain a precise indication of the initiatives implemented to ensure efficient methods of local transport organization related to school reopening needs, attuse of allocated resources and the current planning activities with a view to the future return to school also of the female and male secondary school students ”.

From construction to emergency funds, the other nodes: A confrontation that also leaves room for a question and an answer: “The ministry recalls that this year has already been more than 510 million euros have been allocated for the schools of Apulia, between funds for construction and resources for the emergency, and does so in response to the words spoken by President Michele Emiliano towards the school system and, in particular, the ministry itself, accused of not having prepared enough for the restart and for the possible use of digital education, including distance education ”. Moving the waters even further is the rejection of the Emiliano de Viale Trastevere line: “Education cannot be transformed into a demand service, which it is not and cannot be, especially in the mandatory range. Say it’s the Constitution, which does not foresee an indiscriminate and dangerous regionalization of the educational system. Then there is the need to preserve the autonomy of educational institutions in the face of interventions of dubious legitimacy and consistency provided by the ordinance ”. Finally the last volley that hits too mayors Apulia: “The ministry is monitoring spending on light construction funds by local authorities. In Puglia, the 61.94% of allocated resources compared to the total. Regarding the resources for rentals, rentals and adaptation of spacesOnly 42% of the local authorities that benefit from the Puglia region that have been authorized have activated the rental and rental contracts to date to guarantee the distancing imposed by the Covid emergency.

The Governor’s Response: With a post as long as Azzolina’s, Emiliano returns all the accusations to the sender, underlining that his ordinance on school “is limited to defining distance education as a public health protection tool temporarily irreplaceable “, further written” in slavish application of the School plan of the Ministry of EducationAs for the chapter means (to spend on digital education, light construction and space rental), the President of the Region argues that “the ministry has chosen to provide directly to educational institutions, to Municipalities and Provinces without foreseeing any planning role or coordination at the head of the Region. “Emiliano therefore rejects the hypothesis that there are delays attributable to his advice, although he says he is willing to “allocate additional resources” for transportation if necessary. Finally, he draws a picture of the infections that have occurred in the classroom in recent weeks: “In just one month since the opening of schools, at least 417 students tested positive, 151 teachers and school personnel were positive and at least 286 schools came into contact with COVID-19. And thousands and thousands are students and school personnel currently isolated to be in close contact with positive cases at school. “
