Minister Azzolina at a hearing in the Chamber to address the problems related to the start of the school year. “A renewed, innovated and rebuilt school. A safer and more welcoming school. I am sure that a school like this one, with these characteristics, conceived and built in this way, will undoubtedly also help us to fight against early school leaving and to fight to obtain and guarantee inclusion ”, said the Minister
“The number of students with disabilities, with specific learning disabilities and with other special educational needs is constantly growing – he continued -. I am convinced that, therefore, resources are needed to create an increasingly structured network capable not only of welcoming them, but also of giving them and their teachers and educators the necessary support. For this, we will have to support the territorial organization for school inclusion through the strengthening of the Territorial Support Centers (CTS) and the Autism Help Tables, which will serve to link and communicate the schools and the central and peripheral administration. A platform dedicated to the learning of students with disabilities, with specific learning disabilities and with other Special Educational Needs will also be created in accordance with the Universal Design for Learning (UDL) criteria that can be a point of reference for teachers, managers, the families. I firmly believe that, even in the case of inclusion, technology and digital systems can and should be used more and more and more and more professionally, in all classes, as an integration and teaching support that can satisfy the needs of these students. “
“One of the most important goals – he added – will be achieved when there is a true digital transformation of school environments and the improvement of the digital skills of students, as well as all school personnel. The government’s goal is, in fact, the complete digital transition of the Italian school ”.
Next, the minister clarified that the objective will be achieved through three measures: The transformation of classrooms, of all classrooms, into innovative learning environments, with state-of-the-art equipment
Among these he listed
- The creation of 2,700 digital laboratories (one for each high school) spread throughout the territory. State-of-the-art laboratories to train staff and organize innovative educational activities for students.
- Total digitization of the computer systems, databases and administrative infrastructures of the educational institution.
“We will work – he concluded – also in the improvement of digital skills through: the implementation of study plans for digital skills in education; the creation of a specific training plan aimed at improving the digital skills of teachers, managers, ATA staff; the activation of a national support and accompaniment platform for the development of digital skills in Italian schools and accessible and certifiable paths; Initiatives of focused projects, for the development of systems and the maximum diffusion of innovative didactic methodologies ”.