Azzolina: “More than 3.5 billion for schools. Never so many investments” [VIDEO]



The Minister of Education, Lucía Azzolina, intervenes live on her Facebook page, to take stock of what is happening in the school world

“There are 3,700 million in the budget law is a good figure: in the past we have suffered cuts many times, now we talk about investments. School is not an expense for a country, but an investment. Every year there are many chairs in repeal, this year we will transform a part of these chairs of permanent hiring. I have Minister Manfredi to thank: teachers must specialize in support, the more they specialize, the more specialized teachers we will have. Now we will have 25,000 more chairs available in the support on which contracts can be made. We will stabilize 1000 technical assistants in the first cycle of education: there will be innovation in the first cycle school. Furthermore, Lsu’s workforce will be transformed from part-time to full-time for 4,500 workers ”.

Still: “This summer we managed to obtain 40,000 more classrooms thanks to the works that have been carried out in schools by local authorities. In the budget law we extend the powers of the commissioner to the mayors and provincial presidents for 1 year and we put a billion and a half of resources here and the next years for the construction of schools. 40 million for digitization and other money: 200 million for the regions to increase public transport, 150 million for the municipalities for transport and 4 million for environmental education ”.

Azzolina: “In a few years we will say no to chicken coop classes” [VIDEO]

Sostegno, Azzolina: “25 thousand hires, 10 million for didactic aids for disabilities and another 10 for staff training” [VIDEO]

What is expected of the school:

  • 25,000 additional positions on staff per right of support
  • 10 million euros for teacher training
  • 1,000 technical assistants in the first cycle from 2021/2022 and continuation of fixed-term contracts until December 31, 2020 until June 30
  • 1,000 improvement places for kindergarten
  • 60 million investments in the range 0-6
  • 50 million by 2021 and 50 million by 2022 for the dual system
  • 8 million for the enhancement of the digital area, digital animators, training teams, also for teacher training.
  • 117 million by 2021 and 106 million by 2022 for an increase in childcare places
  • 20 million for the inclusion of students with disabilities in the actions
  • increase in autonomy funds of 100 million in 2021
  • 12 million euros to increase technology and the SIDI system
  • 1,500 million for school buildings with extension of common commissioner powers
  • 200 million to the regions and 150 million to the municipalities for school transport

Budget Law, from staff to teacher training: everything related to the school

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