“Closing schools should be the last resort. We have to go to school as much as possible and work for the return in the presence of the second cycle as well ”. On closures, it is learned, the unions in the sector think like the Minister of Education. Lucia Azzolina.
This is what emerged, according to journalistic rumors, during today’s meeting between the minister and the unions that They asked to reaffirm the centrality of education, avoiding as far as possible the closure of educational institutions. On this, they told the minister, “he will have our support.”
In the budget law recently approved by the government there is “3.7 billion for the school.”
This was expressed by the Minister of Education, Lucía Azzolina, in today’s meeting with the unions that were referring to the maneuver, but also to the management of the health emergency.
“I worked so that the school had its strong weight in the budget law – Azzolina explained -. We have 2,200 million in current expenses and 1,500 million in capital expenditures for investments “, resources with which we will intervene in support of an extraordinary plan to increase teachers, in school buildings and with which we will work to reduce the overcrowding of classes, to increase digitization.
At the center of the meeting, also the management of the health emergency.
“We all spent the summer making schools safer. the Minister recalled. Zero risk does not exist, but we have precise rules and protocols to implement ”.
Azzolina then reiterated the importance of keeping the school open “It is not only a place to learn, but also to socialize, a place where you learn rules and, in certain territories, they take you off the street. Running the school in your presence runs the risk of even being dangerous ”.
For reboot “3 billion have been placed, we have done light works guaranteeing 40,000 more classrooms, technological tools and new furniture have been bought. Structural investments that will remain. With the Ristori Decree we have allocated another 85 million for digital teaching, these days I signed a decree of 3.6 million for connections in the second cycle. The effort is maximum. This – the minister closed – is a difficult time for the country, but the common enemy is only one, Covid. Italy wins the challenge if they stick together. And the school is a place of unity par excellence ”.