Azzolina: 2,894 infections in schools, will remain open. Directors, criminal shield or strike



The contagion curve rises, which today exceeds 5,000 positive cases. The ISS notes a slight increase in cases at school. Azzolina considers that the school is a safer place than others and provides the data as of October 3. The directors threaten to strike and demand a criminal shield.

The weekly monitoring of the Ministry of Health-Iss shows a “slight increase in outbreaks in which transmission may have occurred within the school“. For the ISS it is therefore”It is essential to maintain attention on the measures already in place to prevent intra-school transmission, such as screening, the detection of daily temperature by families, and procedures for the management of suspected symptomatic cases in the school setting.“.

“Infections among young people are increasing and the situation within the Institutes runs the risk of becoming unmanageable. The Government must intervene with a clear rule in the next budget law before the end of the month”, Declares Marcello Pacifico, national president of the Udir union. “Once again – reads a union note -, Today in the Decree of Augustus (DL 104/20), the “penal shield” in the Senate is skipped because it was not implemented by the Government in the maxi-amendment despite the fact that several senators had presented a specific amendment that is now the responsibility from the Minister of Education to insert in the next Budget Bill, if you do not want the protest of school leaders to degenerate into abstention from work“.

Paola Serafin, director of school administrators for CISL, also expects a criminal shield: “we need a change in the rule on the responsibility of school administrators, as happened with doctors. Obviously there is no political will“.

At the moment there does not seem to be the possibility of a new closure and in particular the closure of schools. “If necessary, we will tighten the bolts even more, stopping where necessary: ​​school, work, hospitals.“, Affirmed the Minister of Regional Affairs, Francesco Boccia.

Close schools? Not mentioned: if infections continue to grow in the country, it will be necessary to intervene in access to public transport, limit recreational activities in the afternoon of the boys, avoid parties.“Said Minister Azzolina, who then provided data on infections in schools updated to October 3: a total of 2,894. The data were collected through a follow-up carried out with the directors of the schools and compared with the Istituto Superiore di Sanità.

