Avezzano Hospital, the alarm cry of the operators: “Mega cluster in the room, infected patients and health workers, help us”


Avezzano – The chaos of health, yesterday the burning meeting in which, in the face of a very degraded situation, which affects thousands of Marsican citizens and the province of L’Aquila, the confrontation between the first citizens and the Health Representatives of Abruzzo and of ASL1 respectively, the regional councilor Nicoletta Verì and the health director Sabrina cicogna – the manager is absent Roberto Testa – they appeared mainly engaged in an extremist defense of “what has been done”, to which the strong position of the Marsican mayors responded, the municipality of Trasacco, Ovindoli and Magliano dei Marsi did not adhere “fully”, who voted for the commissioner of Asl1.

Yesterday, to those positive “Reports” that seemed “fabulous” to the citizens of Marsican who lived and live the local state of health in their own skin, our editorial team received the answer, which is one more cry of alarm, and a detailed complaint. and serious, on the part of the professionals who, in the face of the emergency, live a situation that they define as “criminal” and appeal to the institutions for help and protection, for themselves and for the patients they entrust. An appeal in which the elements already brought to the general attention emerge from the recent dramatic news, from the surveys carried out on the ground by our editorial team and from the initiatives already implemented in the previous weeks and just to name a few quekke of the mayors Giovanni Di Pangrazio, Vincenzo Giovagnorio, Enzo Di Natale and Marivera De Rosa.

So in the answer:
“We ask for help to resolve the criminal situation that is taking place in the Medicine PO Avezzano UOC, currently transformed into Covid Medicine for a health emergency”, write the Operators, “We specify that we do not criticize this decision but the transformation procedures and its current management .

It all started between Sunday, October 25 and Monday, October 26, when the first units of the staff fell ill with Covid and at the same time the patients began to show positive swabs. In seven days, until Sunday, November 1, 8 nurses, 3 OSS and 2 doctors of the 3 present on the staff fell ill.

Among the patients who remained in the ward, 14 of the 25 expected were found, including many transferred, deceased and very few discharged, 12 positive and 2 negative suspects. In this situation, the decision was made to transform General Medicine into Covid Medicine. “The Avezzanese hospital is not structured to receive Covid patients, as Avezzanese’s health advisor, Colizza, had also represented President Marsilio during the visit he had made to the presidium in recent days. “The staff swabs made on Wednesday October 28 were sent to Pescara instead of L’Aquila and / or Teramo, The results were partially and belatedly communicated to the personnel who are already in quarantine due to symptoms “, continue the Operators,” The health and hygiene conditions at work and those of the patients are very serious and very dangerous to health.

To this day the infections continue, So much so that, in regards to staff, there were 2 nurses, 3 OSS, 1 doctor, 25 patients, placed in rooms of 4 and some with CPap, assisted artificial respiration, but we also noticed that there have been deaths in the past days of patients who became positive in the ward. The pavilion is evidently infected with an obvious clouster; had to be closed disinfected and then reopened, ASL1 leaders made the reckless and criminal decision to leave it open in the skin of staff and patients.

All staff are very afraid and anxious for their health, for that of his relatives with whom he lives, and angry at the indecent working conditions and the alienation of the right to health and care of hospitalized patients. These lines are a loud cry of pain, despair and a request for HELP from the institutions, the press and all those who can work to achieve an urgent change of course and greater protection for staff and patients ”.

(EG – K.Si.)
