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by Chiara Fabrizi

Umbria again in the yellow zone, as announced by the indiscretions, confirmed by President Tesei, who in the meantime has signed a regional order that revises some restrictions. The Minister of Health, Roberto Speranza, signed the “color” change, which will come into effect on Sunday, with the new anti-Covid protection bands for the regions in light of the result of the national guardhouse, which already on Thursday, through the Higher Institute of Health, it had certified an Rt (infection transmission index) of 0.7 for Umbria.

Tesei: “Since Sunday” «Umbria – said the president of the Region Donatella Tesei during the press conference in which the new single number for the 112 emergency was presented – will be the yellow zone from Sunday; Recently, as usual, Minister Roberto Speranza called me to inform us that the parameters are correct to return to the yellow zone. The order must be signed tonight and tomorrow it will be in the Official Gazette, starting Sunday. Regarding the much debated issue of travel, Tesei limited himself to remembering that the matter was governed by the government and that “we must adapt. Presidents can only narrow the meshes established by the government, not widen them.

Who changes color Umbria like Emilia, Friuli, Marche, Puglia will stop being orange and therefore will turn yellow (as already happened with Lazio, Liguria, Molise, Trento, Sardinia, Sicily and Veneto). While Campania, the province of Bolzano, Val d’Aosta and Tuscany will go from red to orange (as has already happened in Basilicata, Calabria, Lombardy and Piedmont). Abruzzo, which was the last to enter this area, would remain red.

Umbrian yellow zone The optimism of the day before, therefore, is confirmed by the measures that greatly loosen the ties of the restrictions, at least until December 21, when the measures provided for by the Dpcm will begin. In particular, with the yellow zone in Umbria you can move freely between the municipalities, therefore, without the need for the self-certification used during the orange phase, as well as until December 21 you can reach the other regions in the yellow zone.

Restaurants and bars Restaurants and bars reopen until 6pm, while take-out is allowed until 10pm, when a curfew is also scheduled in the Umbrian yellow zone. In particular, therefore, the locals will be able to serve lunch again at the tables, respecting the pertinent requirements, as well as at the bar counter they will be able to consume coffee by cup again.

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Closed shopping centers The yellow zone taken in Umbria, however, confirms the closure of shopping centers on holidays and days before holidays (Saturdays and Sundays), where only pharmacies, parapharmacies, tobacconists and supermarkets in the interior will be able to lift the blind. With Umbria in the yellow zone, there is also the closure of gaming, betting and bingo halls and the closure of slot machines, still present in bars and tobacconists. In any case, the lockout of swimming pools, gyms, theaters, cinemas and sports centers also continues.

Regional ordinance The order then signed by President Tesei regarding the neighborhood’s commercial premises, medium and large surfaces, as well as shopping centers and similar structures, provides precise guidelines regarding the maximum number and methods of user access, management of staff, rules of conduct, sanitation, information to users and other aspects.

School In addition, the ordinance, in line with the rules of the yellow zone, no longer provides, as of December 9, distance education for secondary schools, whose lessons, therefore, will be present again. In this context, the Authority recommends that the companies that manage the transport services verify strict compliance with the filling coefficient equal to 50% of the maximum capacity, and the educational institutions and local authorities, each one for their competences , to supervise and implement all necessary and appropriate initiatives and useful measures to avoid meetings.

Sports and games In addition, some measures already adopted have been renewed, such as the prohibition of outdoor or indoor activities by recreational and cultural associations and clubs, social meeting centers, universities for leisure time and the elderly. Board games, cards, billiards, bowling are forbidden to be played in public and private sports centers and clubs. They also suspended all the activities of recognized competitions and competitions of regional, provincial or local interest by the Italian National Olympic Committee (Coni), by the Italian Paralympic Committee (CIP) and by the respective national sports federations, associated sports disciplines, promotion bodies sports, related to team and contact sports and carried out by amateur associations and clubs. For the same period, individual training and athletic preparation is suspended for the same period, limited to athletes under 18 years of age who play in amateur and amateur teams and team and contact sports associations. It is also forbidden for everyone to use the common areas as well as the changing rooms.
