Pietro De Leo
There is a political fact that is perhaps somewhat hidden in the folds of the general regional scenarios, namely, that Sunday and Monday is the first date of Matteo Renzi’s Italia Viva elections. And logically you run the risk of seeing a “day after” of deep self-awareness for the project. Yes. Renzi still has some noticeable features. He has written a book of political proposals, he still retains some points of verve, in many respects he is the barrier to a totally South American drift of the majority, although then he almost always ends up adapting. And yet Italia Viva’s adventure runs the risk of colliding with the excesses of tactics that raise the question of what the true identity of this creature is.
Pre-election geography, in fact, does not promise much good. It is not possible to provide survey numbers, as we know, but we can list a number of risks that could materialize between Monday and Tuesday. The first is that having chosen an autonomous candidacy in Puglia, that of Ivan Scalfarotto, could be decisive for the victory of Raffaele Fitto and the defeat of Michele Emiliano and, therefore, worsen the climate both within the governing coalition and in the block. left social center.
The second risk is that in the Marches, their contribution to the candidacy of the united center-left Mangialardi may not be enough to counter the long-awaited victory by a wide margin of the center-right Francesco Acquaroli. In Tuscany, Renzi runs the risk of “lose-lose”. Susanna Ceccardi wins the League, in front of the entire center-right: it is clear how the cataclysm will affect the entire coalition. Vince Eugenio Giani, center-left candidate: at that time if Italia Viva were just a small Florentine consensus, the problem for Renzi would arise anyway. Then there are the other games already written, Liguria (Toti given to win easy), Veneto (Zaia still rampant) Campania (De Luca confirmed). In the first case, not wanting to support the M5S candidate Ferruccio Sansa together with Pd, Italia Viva runs alone. In the other two, on the contrary, it is in alliance with the center-left. Well, in this case it will be a mere count of percentages, without paying too much attention to the coalition balance. The danger is that it is no longer decisive in the political framework. And if, in addition to the identity compass, the role of the center of gravity is lost on the chessboard, for a political subject they are really pains.