Local blockades in view of tomorrow’s dpcm. This is the theme of the recently concluded summit between the government and the Regions. A summit announced as “decisive” to outline Italy’s strategy to deal with the second wave of Covid that is causing more and more victims and infections to be registered (here is yesterday’s bulletin). Limiting the movements of those over 70 to try to reduce the spread of the coronavirus: this is one of the hypotheses proposed by some regions, in particular, as is known, Lombardy, Piedmont and Liguria. In videoconference Ministers Roberto Speranza (Health) and Francesco Boccia (Regional Affairs) are absent, the latter summoned with representatives of the Regions, Municipalities (Anci) and Provinces (Upi), according to what has been learned, to discuss the new measures that are being carried out. assessed by the government to counter the second wave of the coronavirus epidemic.
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Boccia: automatic closings with Rt above thresholds. «The document of the Higher Institute of Health (ISS) and the monitoring system that we have shared with scientists and Regions has a series of hypotheses that must be activated automatically. If an Rt (contagion index, ed.) Exceeds a certain level – today there are 11 Regions out of 1.5 and 2 regions out of 2 – then some measures already included in the plan that we share and update together should be activated automatically. “The minister would have said of Autonomies Francesco Boccia at the head with the local authorities on the new Dpcm in gestation.
As much as every victim of the # COVID-19, this fact must be taken into account: only yesterday among the 25 deaths of #Liguria22 were very elderly patients. Most of them are retired people, not essential for the productive effort of the country, but they must be protected.
– Giovanni Toti (@GiovanniToti) November 1, 2020
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Among the governors are connected, among others, Bonaccini (Emilia Romagna, president of the Conference of the Regions), Fontana (Lombardy) Fedriga (Friuli Venezia Giulia) Toti (Liguria), Toma (Molise) Emiliano (Puglia) De Luca (Campania ) Tesei (Umbria), Marsilio (Abruzzo) Cirio (Piedmont), Giani (Tuscany), reportedly. Also Antonio Decaro, president of Anci, and Michele De Pascale (Upi). From what emerged, almost everyone asked national and non-local measures. Boccia reconvened the meeting tomorrow at 9. the text of the new Dpcm «we hope, this time it is really shared. I see growing social alarm and we all need to be aware of it. Strong but unclear options become difficult for citizens to accept. We cannot afford mistakes. This was stated by the Governor of Sicily, Nello Musumeci.
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Toti, storm through a tweet. “The country cannot afford a new blockade.” This was stated by the president of the Liguria Region, Giovanni TotI, who in a note on social networks suggests that we must intervene in the most fragile category, the elderly. “By more and truly protecting our elderly, the pressure on hospitals and the number of deaths would be infinitely less. It would be crazy to shut down so many Italians in the house for whom Covid normally has soft results, block the country’s production, stop the school and the future of our young people and not consider any intervention on those who really risk. We hope that this time there is wisdom and not demagoguery, “he writes.
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Lockdown, fears of hope
“The epidemiological curve is still very high. I am concerned about the absolute figure, which shows a terrifying curve. Either we bend it or we get into trouble. ‘ This was stated by the Minister of Health Roberto Speranza in an interview with the Corriere della Sera. We have 48 hours to try to give it one more squeeze, ”says Speranza, who says there are still too many people around. Later, the minister assured that intensive care was maintained, and the school explained that it must be defended as much as possible, but in an epidemic context “it is not intangible.”
Salvini’s protest
“We need a government that plans, you cannot improvise week after week from decree to decree, open and close, open and close.” He said it Matteo salvini on a live Instagram. “They wasted six months talking about nothing, and while they opened the borders to others, they were forced to ask about the Italians in the house. I do and we will do our best to avoid another total closure that would be a disaster, people can be treated at home: home therapy, home care, telemedicine, home swab», Salvini reiterates. We must protect, if necessary, keeping the elderly, the most fragile and the most exposed at home».
Fontana: uniform measurements are needed
“The spread of the virus is uniform throughout the country. The differences are related to the degree of follow-up that varies from one region to another. It is clear that, once the impact of the measures already adopted on the contagion curves has been verified, future actions to combat the virus must in turn be uniform ”. The president of the Lombardy Region, Attilio Fontana, writes it on his Facebook page, explaining “the meaning of the discussion this morning between the Regions, Anci and Upi with the government.” “A series of interventions in a territory by territory, pulverized and inhomogeneous, would probably be ineffective and even incomprehensible for citizens, who today are already confused,” he added, explaining that “institutions, starting with the government, must provide coherence, strong and credible. The Regions are, as always, ready to collaborate. “
Stop shopping malls on the weekend
Shopping centers close on weekends, because it is on those days that participation is concentrated and closing of betting counters in tobacconists and bars because that is where the flow of those who find the betting rooms closed moves. This is what the president of the ANCI, Antonio Decaro, would have asked for on behalf of the mayors, together with a basic agreement on the limitations to be established.
Last updated: 13:45