The Austrian government has announced that as of December 7, the country will come out of the blockade that began on November 17 and will gradually ease the restrictions previously planned. One of the communications made by the government also refers to skiing, an issue that was also discussed in Italy due to the risk that neighboring countries (such as Austria, in fact) open ski resorts to attract Italian tourists.
Austria will open the facilities to amateur athletes and for recreational purposes from December 24, hotels will remain closed (at least until January 7, such as restaurants) and for those arriving from abroad a quarantine obligation of 10 days. . Therefore, it is difficult for tourism to arrive from abroad to take advantage of the reopening of the ski resorts.
In addition, the government has established that from 20 to 6 in the morning there will be a prohibition to leave the house, as before this second confinement, except for work, necessity or physical exercise in the open air. Two families can meet during the day up to a maximum of 6 adults and 6 children, but on December 24, 25, 26 and 31 the maximum number of people in total will be 10, regardless of the number of families. Compulsory schools will reopen on December 7, while high schools and universities will continue at a distance.
Bars and clubs will be closed and there will be no Christmas markets. Depending on the infections, as of January 7, evaluations will be carried out for the reopening of theaters and cinemas. Only non-contact and outdoor sports will be allowed.
– Read also: Austria also wants to test the entire population